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Ivan Tomislav Međugorac

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Ivan Tomislav Međugorac (Vinište, Žepče, BiH, 28. rujna 1928. – 14. studeni 2012., Kreševo), fratar, znanstvenik, pisac,


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Rođen je u selu Viništu, župa Osova (općina Žepče), otac mu je Žarko, majka Mara, rođ. Martinović. Bio je četvrto od ukupno dvanaestero djece u obitelji. Osnovnu je školu završio u Zavidovićima, a gimnaziju započeo u Franjevačkoj gimnaziji u Visokom, dok je dva završna razreda, kao i ispit zrelosti, polagao privatno na Prvoj muškoj gimanaziji u Sarajevu. U franjevački red primljen je 1946. godine stupanjem u novicijat u Kraljevoj Sutjesci. Teologiju je studirao u Sarajevu od 1947. do 1953. godine. Svećenički je red primio 20. travnja 1952. godine u Sarajevu. Studirao je prirodne znanosti (biologiju i kemiju) u Sarajevu i Beogradu od 1953. do 1958. godine. Nakon diplomskog ispita predavao je biologiju i kemiju u Franjevačkoj klasičnoj gimnaziji u Visokom, gdje je obavljao i dužnost pomoćnika odgojitelja u sjemeništu. U jesen 1963. godine, po nalogu uprave Provincije, odlazi u Frankfurt, da bi u Njemačkoj zastupao interese Provincije i nastavio studij prirodnih znanosti na sveučilištu u Frankfurtu. U prosincu 1966. godine postiže doktorat iz biologije i biokemije. Istodobno je, kao prvi svećenik koji je u Njemačku došao s redovnom putovnicom, počeo organizirati dušobrižništvo i socijalni rad za brojne hrvatske radnike u Frankfurtu i okolici, za koje se dotada nitko nije brinuo. Naišao je na srdačnu potporu tamošnjih crkvenih vlasti, osobito prelata Büttnera, upravitelja tajništva za inozemstvo u Beuelu (Bonn). Godine 1967. preuzima dužnost magistra studenata teologije u Königsteinu, gdje su tada studirali franjevački studenti iz Bosne, Hercegovine i Hrvatske. Od 1969. do 1971. godine radi kao znanstveni suradnik na sveučilištu u Bochumu. Godine 1971. na Institutu za fiziologiju (teorijska medicina) u Tübingenu organizira i vodi biokemijski laboratorij. Godine 1977. habilitira se za humanu fiziologiju i dobiva titulu privat docent i venia legendi za tu disciplinu. Odlukom Ministarstva za znanost i umjetnost u Stuttgartu imenovan je (od 1. listopada 1981.) profesorom biokemijske kardiologije. Godine 1981. zatražio je od Kongregacije za redovnike i svjetovne institute indult za eksklaustraciju i inkardinira se u biskupiju Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Službu dušobrižnika za zatvorenike u Rottenburgu obavlja od 1982. do 1987. godine. Objavio je više stručnih radova iz biologije, teoretske medicine i sl. Umirovljen je 1. listopada 1998. godine, a od kraja 2007. godine umirovljeničke dane proveo je u franjevačkom samostanu u Kreševu, gdje je iznenada umro 14. studenoga 2012. u 85. godini života i 60. godini misništva. Pokopan je u Kreševu na groblju Ogradje 16. studenoga 2012.

Znanstveni radovi

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  • 1.Medugorac, I.: Orientierung der Bienen in Raum und Zeit nach Dauernarkose. Zeitschrift für Bienenforschung 9, 105-119 (1967)
  • 2.Medugorac, I. und M.: Lindauer: Das Zeitgedächtnis der Bienen unter dem Einfluβ von Narkose und von sozialen Zeitgebern. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie 55, 450-474 (1967)
  • 3. Beier, W., I. Medugorac, M. Lindauer: Synehronisation et Dissociation de "L'Horloge Interne" des abeilles par des facteurs exteres. Ann. Epiphyties 19, 133-144 (1968)
  • 4.Lindauer, M. und I. Medugorac: Ein sozialer Zeitgeber im Bienenstaat.Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, N°173, L'Effet de Groupe chez les Animaux, Paris, Novembre 1967
  • 5. Zwilling, R., I. Medugorac, K. Mella: The evolution of endo-peptidases-XIV. Non-tryptic cleavage specifity of a BAEE-hydrolyzing enzyme (β-protease) from Tenebrio Molitor, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 43, 419-424 (1972)
  • 6. Steli, E., M. Hansis, A. Hepp, I. Medugorac: Druck-Volumen-Beziehungen des Rattenmyokards unter dem Einfluβ eines mehrwöchlgen Schwimmtrainings.Pflügers Arch. 339, R 14 (1974)
  • 7. Medugorac, I., A. Kämmereit: Alterations in myocardial actomyosin and myosin ATPase activity and light chains pattern due to physlcal training. Pflügers Arch. 347, R 8 (Suppl.) (1974)
  • 8. Kämmereit, A., I. Medugorac and R. Jacob: Dissociation of maximum shortening velocity (Vmax) and maximum instantaneous power of the hypertrophied ventricular myocardium of rats.Pflügers Arch. 355, R 14 (1975)
  • 9. Medugorac, I.: Relationship between Ca-ATPase activity and subunits bf myosin in the myocardium of rats conditioned by swimming. Experientia 31, 941 (1975)
  • 10. Medugorac, I., A. Kämmereit, und R. Jacob: Einfluβ eines chronischen Schwimnitrainings auf Struktur und EnzymaktivitSt von Myosin beim Rattenmyokard. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chetn. 356, 1161-1171(1975)
  • 11. Medugorac, I.: Subunits of Myosin: Relations to ATPase activity and mechanical function of muscle.Basic Res. Cardiol. 70, 467-479 (1975)
  • 12. Medugorac, I.:Bedeutung und Problematik der Reindarstellung von Myosin. Instrument und Forschung 4, 22-30 (1975) Ed. Dr. E. Riesch, D. 7073 Lorch/Württ.
  • 13. Jacob, R. und I. Medugorac:Die myokardiale Leistungsfähigkeit des hypertrophierten Herzens. Hypokrates 46, 511-514 (1975)
  • 14. Jacob, R., Kämmereit, A. and Medugorac, I.:Significance of actomyosin-concentration for the cross-sectional related contractile capability of the hypertrophied myocardium. Internat. Study Group for Res. in Cardiac Metabolism, EuropeanSection, International Symposium Brüssels (Belgium), September 1975, S. 80
  • 15.Medugorac, I., A. Kämmereit, and R. Jacob: Myofibrillar Protein-concentration, Calcium ATPase activity and contractile Capability of the hypertrophied rat myocardium. Pflügers Arch. 559, R 12 (Suppl.) (1975)
  • 16.Kämmereit, A., I. Medugorac, E. Steil and R. Jacob: Mechanics of the isolated ventricular myocardium of rats conditioned by physical training. Basic Res. Cardiol. 70, 495-507 (1975)
  • 17. Jacob, R., A. Kämmereit, G. Kissling, I. Medugorac: Die myokardiale Leistungsgähigkeit des hypertrophierten Herzens. Bewertungsgrundlagen und typische Fehlinterpretationen. Z. Kardiol., Suppl. 2, S. 78 (1975)
  • 18.Medugorac, I., R. Jacob: Left ventricular actomyosln ATPase activity in rats with cardlac hypertrophy due to pressure overload (Goldblattrats). Hoppe-Seyler's. Z. Physiol. Chem. 357, 271-272 (1976)
  • 19. Medugorac, I., E. Kreuzfelder: Variations of different fractions In the myocardial tissue of Goldblatt rats and rats conditioned by swimming training. Pflügers Arch. 362, R1 (Suppl.) (1976)
  • 20. Medugorac, I.: ATPase activity and subunits in the myosin in the myocardium of rats conditioned by swimmig. Symp. Blol. Hung., 17, l6l-l65 (1974), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest (Ed. E.N.A. Biro and N. Garmayölgyi).
  • 21. Jacob, R., A. Kämmereit, I. Medugorac, M.F. Wendt-Gallitelli: Maximalgeschwindigkeit der lastfreien Verkiirzung (Vmax), myokardiale Leistungsfahigkeit und "Kontraktilitatsindizes" beim hypertrophlerten Myokard. Z. Kardiol. 65, 392-400 (1976)
  • 22.Medugorac,I.,R.Jacob: Concentration and adenosinetriphosphatase activity of left ventricular actomvosin in Goldblatt-rats during the compensa-tory stage of hypertrophy. Hoppe-Seyler!s Z.Physiol. Chem., 357, 1495-1503 (1976)
  • 23. Medugorac, I.: Different fractions in the normal and hypertrophied rat ventricular myocardium: An analysis of two models of hypertrophy.Basic Res. Cardiol. 71, 6O8-623 (1976
  • 24. Medugorac, I.: Characteristics of the hypertrophied left ventricular myocardium in Goldblatt rats. Basic Res. Cardiol 72, 261-267 (1977)
  • 25. Jacob, R., G. Ebrecht, A. KSiranereit, I. Medugorac and M.F. Wendt: Myocardial function in different models of cardiac hypertrophy. An attempt at correlating mechanical, biochemical and morphological parameters. Basic Res. Cardiol. 72, 160-167 (1977)
  • 26. R. Jacob, G. Ebrecht, I. Medugorac and M.F. Wendt-Gallitelli: The maximum shortening velocity of the Goldblatt-rat myocardium,Significance of myofibrillar ATPase activity and of cardiac connective tissue content.Pflügers Archiv - Europ. J. of Physiol. 368, Rl (1977)
  • 27. G. Kissling, M. Puhm, I. Medugorac und R. Jacob: Charakteristika trainingsbedingter Hypertrophie im Tierversuch. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft f(ir Kreislaufforschung, 43, 388-389 (1977)
  • 28. Medugorac,I.: Alteration in myofibrillar ATPase-activity of developing cardiac muscle in rats. Pflügers Archiv 373, R 15(1978)
  • 29. Medugorac, I.: Quantitative determination of cardiac myosin subunits stained vrith fast green in SDS-electropnoresis gels. Basic Res. Cardiol. 74, 406-418 (1979)
  • 30. Medugorac,I.: Alteration ih myosin substracutre and myofibrinar and adenosintriphosphatase activity in rat myocardium during development and after work overload. Hoppe-Seyler's Z.Physiol. Chem. 360, 326 (1979)
  • 31. Medugorac,I.: The variation in myosin substructure in relation to changes in the myofibrillar ATPase activity in myocardium from postnata11y developing rats. Pflügers Arch. 379, Suppl. R7 (1979)
  • 32. Meduograc,I.: The myofibriT1ar ATPase activity and the substructure of myosin in the hypertrophied left ventricle of the rat. Basic Res. Cardiol. 75, 163-170 (1980)
  • 33.Koehler, U. and Medugorac, I.: The behaviour of some enzymes of the hypertrophied and postnatally developing myocardium of the rat. Basic Res. Cardiol. 75, 214-220 (1980)
  • 34.Jacob,R.,Brenner,B.,Ebrecht,G.,Holubarsch,Ch.,and Medugorac,I.: Elastic and contractile properties of the myocardium in experimental cardiac hypertrophy of the rat. Methodological and pathophysiological considerations. Basic Res. Cardiol. 75, 253-261 (1980)
  • 35.Medugorac,I.:Hydroxyproline concentration in ventricular tissue in different forms of cardiac hypertrophy in the rat. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 361, 301 (1980)
  • 36. Medugorac, I.: Critical analysis of glycerinol effect on muscle preparati on: Effect on collagen and the contractile system of myocardium. Pflugers Arch. 384, Suppl. (1980)
  • 37. Ebrecht, G., Jacob, R., Brenner, B., and Medugorac, I.: Reduction of the maximuni unloaded shortening velocity in pressure induced left ventricular hypertrophy, independent of the free sarcoplasmic Ča concentration. Pflügers Arch. 384, Suppl. (1980)
  • 38. Medugorac, I.: Collagen content in different areas of norma! and hypertrophied rat myocardium. Cardiovasc. Res. (London) 14, 551-554 (1980)
  • 39. Medugorac, I.: Myocardial collagen in different formsof heart hypertrophy in the rat. Res. Exp. Med. ]77, 201-211 (1980)
  • 40. Medugorac, I., and Koehler, U.: Myocardial hydroxyproline in normal and spontaneously hypertensive rats of various ages: A comparative study. Europ.Soc.Corap.Physiol.Ciochem.2nd. Conference, Southampton-England, 23-25 April 1980
  • 41. Medugorac, I., Ch. Holubarsch, and R. Jacob: Myocardial collagen content and distensibility in various models pfkcardiac hypertrophy of the rat. Pflügers Arch. 389, Suppl. R7 (1981)
  • 42. Holubarsch, Ch., Th. Holubarsch, I. Medugorac, K.-U. Thiedemann, and R. Jacob: Gehöbren Veränderungen der passiven elastischen Eigenschaften des Myokards zum Mesen der Herzhypertrophie? Z.Kardiol. 70, 285 (1981)
  • 43. Thiedemann, K.-U., Ch. Holubarsch, R. Jacob, and I.Medugorac:

Morphometrische Untersuchungen am linksventrikulären Myokard von Goldblatt II und spontanhypertensiven Ratten (SHR) Z. Kardiol. 70, 285 (1981)

  • 44. Medugorac, I., and Jacob, R.: Analysis of pepsin-solubilized heart collagen. Pflügers Arch. 391, R15 (1981)
  • 45. Thiedemann, K.-U., Ch. Holubarsch, I.Medugorac, and R. Jacob: Myocardial stiffness and connective tissue content in pressure induced cardiac hypertrophy...' Basic Res. Cardiol.
  • 46. Jacob, R., G. Kissling, G. Ebrecht, Ch. Holubarsch, I. Medugorac,and H. Rupp: Adaptive and pathological alterations in experimental cardiac hypertrophy. Advanc. Cardiol.
  • 47. Holubarsch, Ch., Th. Halubarsch, R. Jacob, and I.: Medugorac; Passive elastic properties of myocardium in different models and stages of hypertrophy. In: Alpert, N.R. (ed.), Biology of Myocardial Hypertrophy and Tati ure, Ra ven Press (1982)
  • 48. Medugorac, I., and R. Jacob: Characterization of left ventricular collagen i n the rat. Cardiovasc. Res.
  • 49. Medugorac, I.: Collagen type distribution in the mammal ian left ventricle during growth and aging. Res. Exp. Med. (Berlin)
  • 50. Medugorac, I.: Characterization of intramuscular collagen in the maminalian left ventricle. Basic Res. Cardiol.
  • 51. Međugorac, I.: Subunits of myosin... u BRC (1975.)
  • 52. R. Jacob and I. Međugorac: Myocardial mass and collagen content in Crotalaria pectabilis iduced polmonary hypertension of young and adults rats, in: International Erwin Riesch Symposium, Tübingen, Sept. 19. – 22., 1982., p. 341- 348.
  • 53. Međugorac, I. and Jacob, R.: Heterogeneity of collagen in the left ventricle of the rat, in: International Erwin Riesch Symposium, Tübingen, Sept. 19. – 22., 1982, p. 349 – 353.

Ostala djela

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  • 1. Mali priručnik za hrvatske radnike u zemljama u kojima se govori njemački, Freiburg, 1968.
  • 2. Anton Steiner, Isusovi susreti: rad s Biblijom u zajednici, prijevod s njemačkog, Svjetlo riječi, Sarajevo, 1992.
  • 3. Vodič animatorima za organizaciju biblijskih susreta, prijevod s njemačkog, Svjetlo riječi, Sarajevo, 1992.
  • 4. Prikrivana istina. Uloga bosanskih franjevaca u organiziranju dušobrižništva i socijalne skrbi za hrvatske sezonske radnike u Njemačkoj, Svjetlo riječi, Sarajevo, 2001.
  • 5. Sjećanja jednog bosanskog fratra na ratne godine 1941. – 1945., vlastita naklada, Kreševo-Zagreb, 2008.
  • 6. Praktični njemačko-hrvatski priručnik za svakidašnju upotrebu za Hrvate-katolike iz Hrvatske i BiH, vlastita naklada, Kreševo-Zagreb, 2009.
  • 7. Sjećanja jednog bosanskog fratra na ratne godine 1941. – 1945., II. dopunjeno izdanje, vlastita naklada, Kreševo-Zagreb, 2009.
  • 8. Rodoslovlje Međugoraca iz Viništa (općina Žepče), vlastita naklada, Kreševo-Zagreb, 2010.