Suradnik:Uspjeh je ključ života/Tvornica članaka
U 2011. godini DJ Snake je radio na albumu Lady Gage "Born This Way" za što je dobio nagradu Grammy Awards u kategoriji Album godine u veljači 2012. godine.[1] DJ Snake je bio jedan od producenata na pjesmi "Government Hooker", za koju je proglašena jedna od najbolje pjesme Lady Gage nakon izdanja albuma.[2] Ova pjesma je trebala biti puštena u prodaju prije nego što je diskografska kuća Interscope Records odlučio stati s prodajom albuma. On je, također, napravio remix s Kanyeom West "New Slaves", AlunaGeorgev "You Know You Like It", Duck Saucesev "It's You" i Major Lazerov "Bubble's Butt".[3][4][5][6] Snake je napravio remix pjesmu Michaela Jacksona na traci pjesme "Move Your Feet" u 2013.-oj godini[7] U 2013. godini, DJ Snake je objavio tri pjesme s Paulom Blairom na Lady Gaginom albumu "ARTPOP" uključujući i albume "Applause", "Sexxx Dreams", i "Do What U Want.[8][9][10]
DJ Snake i Dillon Francis su surađivali kao alternativni glazbenici na Mothership Touru 2014.-te godine s Skrillexom. DJ Snake je nastupao za 2015. na Coachella Music Festivalu s gostima, sudeći po AlunaGeorge i MØ koji su napravili svoj remix na "Lean On" s Majorom Lazerom. DJ Snake je sa svojom pjesmom "Lean On" napravio remix sa AlunaGeorgevoj pjesmi "You Know You Like it", kao rezultat toga oba DJ-a su se našla na Top 10 Shazed listi pjesama u 2015.-oj godini.[11][12]
U listopadu 2015., DJ Snake i njegov kolega producent Tchami ozlijedili su se u prometnoj nesreći, pa su bili prisiljeni propustiti kocert u Torontu u sklopu Toronto's Monster Mash festivala .[13] U siječnju 2016. godine, magazin Forbes nazvao ga je jednim od svojih najboljih "30 Under 30 In Music" za godinu dana.[14]
U prosincu 2013, "Turn Down for What", DJ Snakeova pjesma u suradnji sa Lilom Jonom je sniman u Columbiji Records.[15] Pjesma je objavljena kao komercijalna za Sol Republic DECK na bežičnom zvučniku koji pušten u listopadu 2013.[16] "Turn Down for What" ušao je u najboljih deset na Billboard plesno/elektroničkom grafikonu u zadnjem tjednu prosinca.[17] U siječnju 2014.-te, pjesma je ušla u top 5 pjesama Dance/Electronic grafikonu gdje je i debitirala kao br. 38 na Billboard Hot 100.[18] Pjesma je bila certificirana u zlatnoj kategoriji u veljači 2014. i certificirana u platinastoj u ožujku 2014.-oj[19][20] Pjesma je došla u najboljih deset u Hot 100 u travnju 2014.[21] Spot za pjesmu je puštena u ožujku 2014.[22] "Turn Down for What" je nominiran za MTV Video Music Awards u kategoriji Best Direction, Best Art Direction, Best Visual Effects i MTV Clubland Award.[23]
U veljači 2014.-te, DJ Snake i Dillon Francis skladali su pjesmu "Get Low" koja je puštena na njihovim službenim kanalima na SoundCloud-u YouTube-u, kao vodeća pjesma od Francisa debitirao je u studijskom album Money Sucks, Friends Rule. Obje "Get Low" i "Turn Down for What" pjesme su bile puštene na Bržem i žestoku 7. Sudjelovao je na dobivenim komercijalnim spotovima za Dodge i Taco Bell koji su pomogli u skladanju "Get Low" na soundtrack tako da pjesma ponovno uđe u Billboard Hot Dance/Electronic grafikon, pa je tako i DJ Snake ponovno ušao među Billboard Artist 100.[24]
U prosincu 2014, DJ Snakeov remix AlunaGeorge pjesme sa pjesmom "You Know You Like It" je bio pušten na Island Recordsu.[25] "You Know You Like It" došao je na broj jedan na Billboardovu Dance/Mix Show Airplay grafikonu i u pjesmama sa ritmom pušten u lipnju 2015.[26][27] Odabrana je na 13. mjesto u Billboard Hot 100.[28] U istom mjesecu, Associated Press pustila je remix kao 8.-u najprenosivu pjesmumost na Spotifyju u Sjedinjenim Državama.[29] U studenom 2015., pjesma je dobila RIAA-u duplo-platinastu certifikaciju.[30] For the remix, DJ Snake je upotrijebio mješavinu između Europske plesne glazbe i hip hop hitova. Trebalo mu je četiri sata da ju sklada. Mješavina skladbi je potom objavljena na Internetu sa pjevačima kojima suraďuje u Parizu te im je poslao e-poštu.[31]
U ožujku 2015. "Lean On", DJ Snakeov remix traka nastala u suradnji sa Majorom Lazerom pripisanom MØ-u je puštena kao glavna pjesma na Mad Decent, i to kao vodeća pjesma od Major Lazerovog trećeg studio albuma Peace Is the Mission.[32] Proglašen je najboljom Billboardevom ritmičnih pjesama,[33] Mainstream Top 40,[34] Latin Pop Songs,[35] Dance Club Songs,[36] Hot Dance/Electric Songs[37] i Adult Top 40[38] ljestvici. Označen je 4. na Billboard Hot 100.[39] U lipnju 2015., Time Magazine imenovao ga je jednim od "Best Songs of 2015 So Far"[40] U rujnu 2015., "Lean On"je imenovan Spotify's globalnimspotom ljeta. U studenom 2015., premašio je spot od 526 millijun pregleda na Spotifyju, u jednom od najslušanijih videoservisa koji sadrži najbolje glazbene spotove.[41] Spot pjesme "Lean On" je pušten u ožujku 2015.[42] Pokušao se probiti u Indiji i režisirao Tim Erem (pjesmu).[43] Amplify magazin imenovao je "Lean On" jedan od "Najboljih spotova 2015."[44] U siječnju 2016. "Lean On" spot je premašio milijardu pregleda na YouTube-u i nedaleko je da premaši 2 milijarda.[45][46]
DJ Snake snimio je svoj sljedeću pjesmu "Middle" 16. listopada 2015. Pjesma je sniman od Interscope Records, Mad Decent i Spinnin' Records. Sadrži karakteristične vokale od engleskoh pjevača Bipolar Sunshine. Spot je pušten 16. ožujka 2016 na DJ Snake's YouTube računu čiji je vlasnik Vevo.
2. lipnja 2016. je puštena pjesma "Talk".[47] DJ Snake je imao mogućnost pustiti novu phesmu na Twitteru nekoliko dana prije je bio službeno pušten. Sadrži vokale od George Mapleove pjesme "Talk Talk" koji je pušteb u prosincu 2014.[48] Pjesma sadrži zvukove tropske kuće i puštena je od Interscope Records i moguće ju je slušati na iTunesu on 10. lipnja 2016.[49][50] Spot za pjesmu je bila puštena na DJ Snakeovom YouTube računu 11. srpnja 2016. U srpnju 2016. objavio je da će pustiti njegov prvi studio album koji se zove Encore koji je pustio 5. kolovoza 2016. "Middle" i "Talk" su njegove pjesme u tom albumu.
5. kolovoza 2016. nakon Encore-a, DJ Snake je pustio i svoj treću glazbu koja se nalazi na tom albumu koji se naziva "Let Me Love You" s kojom je snimao s Kanadskim pjevačem Justinom Bieberom. 2. siječnja Glazba u 2017. DJ Snake je počeo promovirati svoj albu sa četvrtom pjesmom "The Half" koji sadrži pjevače Jeremiha, Younga Thuga i Swizza Beatza.[51]
Trenutno je dio Pardon My French tima koji se sastoji od četiri francuska DJ-a: Tchami, Mercer, Malaa i DJ Snake. Početkom 2016. i 2017., bio je na svjetskoj turneji s dva člana "Pardon My French" tima, Tchamijem i Mercerom.
- ↑ DJ Snake. Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Lady Gaga Producer Calls 'Government Hooker' A 'Beast'. MTV News. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Major Lazer "Bubble Butt". Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Alunageorge "You Know You Like It". Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Duck Sauce "It’s You". Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Kanye West "New Slaves". Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Junior Senior "Move Your Feet". Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Lady Gaga "Applause". Elektro. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Lady Gaga releases ‘Applause,’ sets electronic tone of forthcoming ‘ARTPOP’. Dancing Astronaut. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ LISTEN TO THE DJ SNAKE PRODUCED TRACK FOR LADY GAGA FEAT. R. KELLY ‘DO WHAT YOU WANT’. Mixjunkies. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Coachella 2015: AlunaGeorge and MØ surprise fans during DJ Snakes set. SB Sun. Pristupljeno 14. ožujka 2018.
- ↑ Check out the Top 10 Shamazed songs of Coachella. BeatPort. Pristupljeno 14. ožujka 2018.
- ↑ French producers Tchami and DJ Snake have been involved in a serious car accident. Ministry of Sound. Pristupljeno 7. studenoga 2015.
- ↑ Forbes: 30 Under 30: Music. Forbes. Pristupljeno 23. siječnja 2016.
- ↑ TURN DOWN FOR WHAT. Beatport. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Sol Replic Deck Radio Shack TV Commercial, Feat Lil Wayne and Michael Phelps. Radio Shack. Pristupljeno 31. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Gary Trust. 3. siječnja 2014. Chart Moves: Imagine Dragons, AWOLNATION Extend Lengthy Hot 100 Stays; Beyonce Bounds At R&B/Hip-Hop Radio; DJ Snake, Lil Jon Debut With 'Turn Down For What'. Billboard. Pristupljeno 30. siječnja 2014.
- ↑ Gordon Murray. 27. prosinca 2013. DJ Snake, Lil Jon, Katy Perry Power Up Dance Charts. Billboard. Pristupljeno 30. siječnja 2014.
- ↑ Tyler Trew. 4. veljače 2014. DJ Snake’s "Turn Down For What" Reaches Gold Status. Your EDM. Pristupljeno 11. veljače 2014.
- ↑ American certifications: DJ Snake – Gold & Platinum. RIAA. Pristupljeno 10. lipnja 2015.
- ↑ Gary Trust. 2. travnja 2014. Pharrell Williams' 'Happy' Holds Atop Hot 100, DJ Snake & Lil Jon Hit Top 10. Billboard Biz. Pristupljeno 8. travnja 2014.
- ↑ Jason Newman. 12. ožujka 2014. DJ Snake and Lil Jon's 'Turn Down for What' Video Is Perfect Insanity. Rolling Stone. Pristupljeno 8. travnja 2014.
- ↑ Gil Kaufman. 17. srpnja 2014. 2014 MTV Video Music Awards Nominations: Get The Full List. MTV News. Pristupljeno 20. srpnja 2014.
- ↑ Check Out the Top 10 Shazamed Songs of Coachella. SFX Entertainment. Pristupljeno 13. svibnja 2015.
- ↑ DJ Snake & AlunaGeorge - "You Know You Like It". Complex. 30. prosinca 2014. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Gary Trust. 6. siječnja 2015. Chart Highlights: Taylor Swift Ties Record as 'Bad Blood' Hits Pop Songs Top 10. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Gary Trust. 29. lipnja 2015. Chart Highlights: Taylor Swift Adds Another No. 1, With 'Style'. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ DJ Snake – Chart history. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Spotify's Top 10 most streamed tracks. 30. lipnja 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Cantor, Brian. 30. studenoga 2015. SHAWN MENDES’ "STITCHES," DJ SNAKE & ALUNAGEORGE’S "YOU KNOW YOU LIKE IT" CERTIFIED 2X PLATINUM. Headline Planet. Pristupljeno 11. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ DJ Snake On "You Know You Like It," His Collab with Aluna Francis. «. 18. srpnja 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Diplo's Major Lazer Share New Track "Lean On", Featuring MØ and DJ Snake | News. Pitchfork. 2. ožujka 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. 5. rujna 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. 3. listopada 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer – Chart history. Billboard. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Best Songs of 2015 So Far: TIME Picks. 25. lipnja 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Leight, Elias. 11. studenoga 2015. Major Lazer And DJ Snake's "Lean On" Named Spotify's Most Streamed Song Of All Time. The Fader, Inc. Pristupljeno 11. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer, DJ Snake and MØ Share "Lean On" Music Video From 'Peace Is the Mission' [WATCH] : Buzz. Music Times. 23. ožujka 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer & DJ Snake – "Lean On" (Feat. MØ) Video + Peace Is The Mission Details. Stereogum. 23. ožujka 2015. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Frankie Victoria. The best videos of 2015 ‹ Amplify. Pristupljeno 7. prosinca 2015.
- ↑ Major Lazer’s "Lean On" Music Video Now Has Over 2 Billion Views on YouTube. Pristupljeno 23. siječnja 2016.
- ↑ Major Lazer, DJ Snake, MO 'Lean On' Hits 1 Billion YouTube Plays. Pristupljeno 23. siječnja 2016.
- ↑ DJ SNAKE. Pristupljeno 15. lipnja 2016.
- ↑ DJ Snake Releases 'Talk' Feat George Maple. Billboard. Pristupljeno 15. lipnja 2016.
- ↑ LLC, Beatport,. DJ Snake Music, under exclusive license to Interscope Records :: Beatport. Pristupljeno 15. lipnja 2016.CS1 održavanje: dodatna interpunkcija (link)
- ↑ Talk (feat. George Maple) - Single by DJ Snake on iTunes. iTunes. Pristupljeno 15. lipnja 2016.[neaktivna poveznica]
- ↑ DJ Snake feat. Swizz Beatz, Jeremih, & Young Thug – 'The Half'. Rap-Up. 4. kolovoza 2016. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2017.
Natjecanje | Pobjednik | Godine |
Prvenstvo | ||
Prvenstvo Jugoslavije u košarci | 1957, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1966, 1969./70. | |
1. A slovenska košarkarska liga | Treći red, drugi stupac | Treći red, treći stupac |
Prva hrvatska košarkaška liga | Drugi red, treći stupac | Dru |
Kup | ||
Treći red, prvi stupac | Treći red, drugi stupac | Treći red, treći stupac |
Vjekoslav Ključarić, poznatiji kao Vjeko je hrvatski pop glazbenik koji je trenutno pod ugovorom Aquarius Records.
Prvi put je nastupio u drugoj sezoni hrvatskog The Voice-a u veljači 2016. sa pjesmom "Unchain My Hearth". [nedostaje izvor]
Njegov debi za Aquarius Records dogodio se [nedostaje izvor].
[[Kategorija:Hrvatski glazbenici]] [[Kategorija:Aquarius Records]]
Hrvatski hip hop [1] glazbeni je žanr i kultura koja obuhvaća različite stilove hip hop glazbe proizvedene u Hrvatskoj. Hrvatski hip hop izvorno je bio pod utjecajem američke hip hop scene, a u Hrvatsku se predstavio sredinom 1990-ih. Hrvatski hip hop, posebice onaj koji potiče iz Rijeke i Zagreba devedesetih, uglavnom je bio koncentriran na socijalna pitanja zbog tadašnjeg koruptivnog sustava vlasti. U 2000-ima hrvatski hip hop počeo je postajati sve više mainstream i proširio se Splitom razvijajući svoj vlastiti hip hop stil.
Hrvatski hip hop Stilsko podrijetlo Hip hop, urbani, dance-pop Kulturno porijeklo Sredina do kraja 1990-ih, Hrvatska Tipični instrumenti Gramofon, sintisajzer, repanje, stroj za bubnjeve, uzorak, gitara Derivativni oblici West Coast hip hop, Istočna obala hip hop Ostale teme Bubanj i bas, dubstep Podrijetlo Uredi Tijekom osamdesetih u Hrvatskoj i Jugoslaviji došlo je do strujnog udara rock glazbe nazvane new wave, koji je uglavnom potiskivao druge vrste glazbe iz mainstreama. Elektro-pop bendovi poput Denisa i Denisa i funk glazbenika poput Dinama Dvornika u to su vrijeme bili jedinstveni. Upravo je Dino Dvornik 1989. godine lansirao svoj prvi album i započeo revoluciju elektronske glazbe u Jugoslaviji.
Sredinom osamdesetih u Rijeci je izašao prvi hrvatski reper MC Buffalo koji je objavio prvi i jedini hip hop album u Jugoslaviji. [2] Za to je vrijeme u Zagrebu Slavin Balen formirao radio emisiju koja je svirala hip hop glazbu pod nazivom Rap Attack
Razvoj stila u devedesetima Edit Ugly Leaders je 1992. objavio prvi hrvatski hip hop album: Channel Is Deep & Beech. Oni su cenzurirani s većine radio postaja zbog teških i vulgarnih tekstova. [3] Iste godine MC Buffalo & Maderfa'N'kerz izdali su svoj debitantski album Made in Rijeka, uključujući pjesmu pod naslovom Moja Domovnica, parodiju Moje domovine koja je zabranjena u Hrvatskoj.
Zagrebačka radio stanica Radio 101 pokrenula je 1993. emisiju pod nazivom Blackout Project, koja je popularizirala hip-hop. uz Rap Attack .
1997. hrvatska rap grupa iz Zagreba pod nazivom Tram 11 pokrenula je svoj singl "Hrvatski divovi" (Hrvatski Velikani) koji je prva rap pjesma koja se našla na prvom mjestu hrvatskih glazbenih top lista. [4] Krajem devedesetih pojavili su se reperi poput Stoka, General Woo, Target, grupe Beat Fleet, DJ Knockout Renman, Drill Skillz itd. Splitski bend Beet Fleet izdao je svoj prvi album "Ping-Pong" 1997. godine, koji je neslužbeno bio prvi kompletni hip-hop / rap album u Hrvatskoj.
Hrvatski hip hop tematizirao je socijalne probleme prouzročene padom gospodarstva i percipiranom vladinom korupcijom. Devedesete godine bilježe visoku točku u popularnosti hrvatskog hip-hopa, ali manje je izražen od onog novog vala u prethodnom desetljeću.
Moderni hrvatski hip hop Edit Krajem 1990-ih elektronska / plesna glazba u Hrvatskoj pretrpjela je propast i hrvatska popularna glazba počela je dominirati na glazbenoj sceni. Početkom 2000-ih bošnjački reper Edo Maajka lansirao je svoj prvi album i postao trenutni hit u Hrvatskoj. Tada je rapska glazba postala sve više mainstream. 2004. godine, rap umjetnik Shorty objavio je svoj album 1,68, a njegov hit singl "Dođi u Vinkovce" dominirao je hrvatskim glazbenim ljestvicama. Flota repe također je uspjela ući u glavni tok. Njihov inovativni eksperimentalni stil repanja pomiješan s dalmatinskim mentalitetom postao je kućno ime ne samo u Hrvatskoj, već i u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini. [5]
Još jedan splitski hip hop sastav pod nazivom "Dječaci" izdao je 2011. godine svoj drugi album pod nazivom "Istina" zbog čega su postali jedan od najpopularnijih bendova u Hrvatskoj. Popularnost su stekli i u susjednim zemljama. {Prevedeno sa engleske Wikipedije}
{Prevedeno sa engleske Wikipedije}
HDNet, LLC se 18. siječnja 2012. entered into a joint venture with entertainment company/promoter Anschutz Entertainment Group, TV/radio personality/producer Ryan Seacrest, and talent agency Creative Artists Agency, in which AEG, CAA, and Ryan Seacrest Media would each purchase a share of the network, with Cuban retaining primary ownership.[1] The network rebranded on July 2, 2012 as AXS TV, a name taken from AEG's ticket sales website AXS.[2][3][4][5] With the purchase and rebranding, the channel gradually shifted focus to include a mix of entertainment news, lifestyle, pop culture and in-concert performance events.[6]
Alongside the rebranding, Dish Network announced that it would expand the channel's distribution to customers who do not subscribe to an HD tier through a downconverted standard definition feed.[7] The provider moved the network to channel 131 in the spring of 2012, increasing its carriage to at least 14 million Dish Network subscribers upon its relaunch as AXS TV.[8][9] Through its relationship with AEG, AXS TV also planned to offer special promotions on concerts to Dish Network users who have subscribed to the channel.[4] On February 14, 2013, CBS Corporation took a minority stake in the channel, in exchange for providing content and marketing (suggesting that the channel could air complimentary programming for CBS-aired entertainment events such as the Grammy Awards).[10]
In addition to carriage on cable, satellite and telco providers, AXS TV has been added to streaming media providers including Sling TV in October 2016,[11] DirecTV Now when it debuted in November 2016,[12] and Philo when it was launched in November 2017.[13]
On September 9, 2019, the Canadian media company Anthem Sports & Entertainment announced that it had acquired a majority stake in AXS TV and HDNet Movies. Mark Cuban and AEG will retain interests in the company as minority equity partners, while AEG will also continue to provide additional sales support for the network through its AEG Global Partnerships unit.[14] Steve Harvey was also brought in as an additional financier and content partner. Anthem's founder and owner Leonard Asper stated that there were no plans to make any major changes to AXS TV's scope of programming, as he saw the channel as expanding Anthem's field of business, and argued that they did not want to turn the channel into "something we already have". However, Asper did not rule out the possibility of adding programming from Anthem's other properties when appropriate and complimentary to its format (such as Impact!—the weekly program of Anthem's wrestling promotion Impact Wrestling, which announced its impending move from minority-owned sister network Pursuit Channel to AXS TV shortly after the purchase).[15][16]
The sale resulted in the layoff of 40 employees, targeting redundancies with Anthem staff.[17]
- Koncerti
- AXS TV Concerts
- Glazbeni festivali
- Carolina Rebellion (2016.)
- Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (2014., 2015.)
- Firefly Music Festival (2015.)
- Hangout Music Festival (2016.)
- New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (2013., 2014., 2015., 2016.)
- Rock on the Range (2015.)
- Stagecoach Festival (2013., 2014., 2015.)
- Zac Brown Band's Southern Ground Music & Food Festival (2013., 2014., 2016.)
- 80s in the Sand (2019.)
- Izvorne televizijske serije
- The Big Interview with Dan Rather
- The Day The Rock Star Died
- Paul Shaffer Plus One
- Real Money with Eddie Money
- Rock & Roll Road Trip with Sammy Hagar
- The Top Ten Revealed hosted by Katie Daryl
- Trunkfest with Eddie Trunk
- The Very VERY Best of the 70s
- The X Factor (UK)
- Športovi
- Gene Simmons Family Jewels
- Guitar Center Sessions
- Nashville
- Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy
- AXS TV Fights
- Battle 4 Atlantis
- Breaking Band
- Discovering Lucy Angel
- Drinking Made Easy
- Exploring Kaman
- Ex-Wives of Rock
- Gotham Comedy Live
- Hoff the Record
- Inside MMA
- Monon Bell Classic
- ROH on HDNet
- The Ronnie Wood Show
- Tom Green Live
- The Voice Versus with Michael Schiavello
- The World's Greatest Tribute Bands hosted by Katie Daryl
- ↑ Ryan Seacrest, AEG & CAA Partner with Mark Cuban to Rebrand HDNet as Pop Culture Cable Network. Deadline. 18. siječnja 2012. Pristupljeno 7. veljače 2015.
- ↑ Ryan Seacrest Joins AEG, CAA to Relaunch Mark Cuban's HDNet. TheWrap. 18. siječnja 2012. Pristupljeno 8. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Hdnet-relaunches-Monday-as-AXS-TV -promises-continued-mma-programming. 2. srpnja 2012. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. srpnja 2012.
- ↑ a b Concerts to Be Focus in Shift From HDNet to AXS TV. The New York Times. Pristupljeno 8. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Bond, Paul. 14. veljače 2013. CBS Takes Stake in AXS TV. The Hollywood Reporter
- ↑ Mark Cuban's HD Net to become AXS, but big changes will wait. Los Angeles Times. 29. lipnja 2012. Pristupljeno 8. prosinca 2013.
- ↑ Mark Cuban and the Future of the MMA on AXS TV. USA Today. 19. ožujka 2013. Pristupljeno 7. veljače 2015.
- ↑ DISH to Replace AMC with Commercial-Free HD Movies. Yahoo! Finance. 29. lipnja 2012. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 9. veljače 2015. Pristupljeno 7. veljače 2015.
- ↑ DISH to Replace AMC with Mark Cuban's HDNet Movies. Gigaom. 29. lipnja 2012. Pristupljeno 7. veljače 2015.
- ↑ CBS Takes Stake in AXS TV. The Hollywood Reporter (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Sling Launches GSN, AXS TV, HDNet Movies | Multichannel. (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Spangler, Todd. 30. studenoga 2016. DirecTV Now Debuts, Reveals Full Channel Lineups. Variety (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Perez, Sarah. Philo ditches sports to introduce a $16 per month live TV service. TechCrunch (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Mark Cuban Sells Majority Stake in AXS TV, HDNet Movies to Steve Harvey, Anthem Sports. The Hollywood Reporter (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Farrell, Mike. Anthem Sports Buys Majority Stake in AXS TV. Multichannel (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Impact Wrestling Is Moving Its Weekly Show to AXS TV. TheWrap (engleski). 12. rujna 2019. Pristupljeno 20. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Farrell, Mike. AXS TV Lays Off at Least 40 in Wake of Anthem Deal. Multichannel (engleski). Pristupljeno 20. rujna 2019.
- Službena stranica
- HDNet (engleski). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 25. ožujka 2002. Pristupljeno 21. rujna 2019.
Kris Andrija Jokić (Zadar, 16. srpnja 1990.) je hrvatski profesionalni hrvač. Potpisan je trenutno za indy mađarsku profesionalnu hrvačku promociju Hungarian Championship Wrestling (HCW).
- Andrija Jokić u internetskoj bazi filmova IMDb-u (engl.)
- Profili Kris Jokića na,
Upozorenje: Razvrstavanje po "Jokić, Kris" poništava ranije razvrstavanje po "Ključarić, Vjekoslav".
Fight Network is a Canadian English language Category B specialty channel owned by Anthem Sports & Entertainment. The network broadcasts programming related to combat sports, including mixed martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, and professional wrestling.
The channel was originally conceived in Canada, when it was granted approval from the Canadian telecommunications regulator, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) on January 30, 2004. The channel, tentatively known as TFN - The Fight Network, was described as "a national, English-language Category 2 specialty television service devoted to programming related to the arts, skills and science of combatants."[1]
The channel launched as The Fight Network, commonly abbreviated as TFN, was created & founded by Mike R. Garrow, on September 22, 2005, initially on Rogers Cable in Ontario and New Brunswick.[2] Prior to the network's launch, Fight Network also acquired the popular wrestling radio show Live Audio Wrestling (The LAW), syndicating it under the banner Fight Network Radio.[3]
BlackOut Communications originally owned The Fight Network, but after several organizational restructurings, Fight Media Inc assumed ownership.
In December 2010, former Canwest CEO Leonard Asper made a "significant investment" in Fight Network, marking his return to the media industry after the bankruptcy and wind-down of Canwest. Asper stated that it was "an exciting opportunity — not without its challenges, but also of course one with significant potential."[4] The following April, to coincide with the upcoming UFC 129 in Toronto, the network re-branded as simply Fight Network, with a new logo and an associated marketing campaign to promote the network's expanded lineup.[5] A high definition feed launched in March 2013 initially on Rogers Cable.[6]
On December 22, 2014, Fight Network announced that it had sub-licensed portions of the UFC's new Canadian rights agreement with Bell Media and TSN, including coverage of non-PPV preliminaries, international UFC Fight Night events, as well as other UFC archive programming, and the possibility of collaborating on other ancillary programs with TSN.[7][8]
In March 2015, Fight Network acquired Canadian rights to TNA Wrestling programming, including Impact Wrestling, TNA Xplosion, and TNA's Wrestling Greatest Matches.[9] In June 2015, Fight Network announced a broadcasting agreement with the World Series of Fighting, covering Canada and other EMEA markets.[10] In March 2016, TNA expanded its relationship with Fight Network to offer its programming internationally through Fight Network's streaming platforms.[11][12]
In January 2017, Fight Network's parent company, Anthem Sports & Entertainment, acquired a majority stake in TNA. Under Anthem, the promotion was renamed Impact Wrestling after its flagship program.[13] Following the TNA acquisition, Fight Network began cutting its studio programming; in March 2017, long-time Fight Network personalities Robin Black and John Ramdeen left the network as a result of layoffs by Anthem, and further layoffs occurred in October 2017, including the entire staff of Live Audio Wrestling (which the network claimed was on a "hiatus"). Dave Meltzer reported that these cutbacks stemmed from the TNA buyout, citing that Anthem intended to use the promotion to bolster its programming, especially in international markets, but that Impact's financial troubles had required Anthem to make cuts to Fight Network.[14][15][16]
In December 2018, Bell Media renewed its rights to the UFC, but dropped the sublicensing deal with Fight Network, moving the affected events back to TSN.[17]
FN's first international agreement was with American IPTV provider, Backspace. FN launched on their system in the United States in 2007;[18] however, after several months, Backspace removed FN from its systems.
In keeping with its plans to expand internationally, FN opened a South American office in Ecuador to continue its planned global expansion in that region.[19] However, as of April 2011, FN has not commenced operations in South America. In 2008, FN purchased TWC Fight! based in the U.K. and subsequently renamed the network "The Fight Network UK".[20] The network was eventually shut down on December 1, 2008.
In November 2012, Fight Network expanded into the U.S. market and launched a subscription service for live online streaming of the channel on NeuLion.[21]
In July 2015, Fight Network launched on Suddenlink Communications across the U.S.[22]
In July 2018, Fight Network returned to the UK on the Showcase TV service on Sky and Freesat.[23]
Fight Network produces several weekly news shows, including:[nedostaje izvor]
- Fight News Now - Daily news show discussing current events, newsmakers and previewing fights.
- 5 Rounds - Weekly 30-minute talk show featuring mixed martial arts analysis and breakdowns with special guests.
- Toe 2 Toe - Weekly 30-minute interview program featuring sitdowns with combat sports stars and personalities.
- MMA Meltdown with Morency - Weekly mixed martial arts news show, hosted by Gabriel Morency.
- Review-A-Raw - John Pollock and Wai Ting review episodes of WWE Raw.
- Bookie Beatdown - Preview of the odds and fantasy picks ahead of all UFC events.
- World Series of Fighting - a Las Vegas-based organization founded by Ray Sefo.[24]
- ONE Fighting Championship - a Singapore-based promotion.[25]
- Resurrection Fighting Alliance - a U.S.-based MMA organization owned and operated by Ed Soares.[26]
- KSW - Poland-based MMA entity [27]
- Cage Warriors Fighting Championship - a London-based organization founded in 2001.[28]
- BAMMA - a U.K.-based promotion founded in 2009.[29]
- M-1 Global - a promotion based in Russia partially owned by Fedor Emelianenko. FN aired Emelianenko's last professional bout on June 21, 2012.[30]
- Dream - a now-defunct Japanese promotion promoted by FEG which also owned K-1.[31]
- Final Fight Championship - European-based hybrid MMA and kickboxing events.[32]
Other international MMA promotions aired on FN include M-1 Challenge from Russia and the Netherlands, Ultimate Challenge MMA from the U.K.[33] Extreme Fighting Championship Africa,[34] Super Fight League from India,[35]
Other North American MMA promotions aired on FN include the Canadian MMA promotion SLAMM: Tristar Fights,[36] Battlefield Fight League, Hard Knocks Fighting Championship, Aggression Fighting Championship and Rumble in the Cage.
Fight Network's live boxing programming includes:
- Golden Boy Promotions - Live events presented by Oscar De La Hoya's promotional firm.[37]
- Hennessy Boxing - a U.K.-based promotional entity.[38]
- Frank Maloney Promotions - a U.K.-based promotional company.[39]
- Eye of the Tiger Boxing - Montreal-based promotional entity.
- Agency Wars - Fight Network original charity amateur boxing production.
Other boxing programming broadcast on FN:
- Golden Boy Classics - Archived Fights from the Golden Boy library.
- Ultimate Classic Boxing - Library of fights from the 50s, 60s and 70s.
- Knockout Files - Compilation of knockouts from international boxing fights.
- InterBox Classics - Bouts presented by the Quebec-based promotional entity.
- Best of G.Y.M. Boxing - Bouts promoted by the Quebec-based organization.
- Banner: Best of the Decade - Classic bouts promoted by Artie Pellulo.
- Best of Hennessy Boxing - Bouts from the U.K.-based Hennessy archive.
- CES Boxing - Cards promoted by Jimmy Burchfield.
- DEKADA BOXING - Professional boxing from Canada.
FN's "From The Vault" archive includes fights from Showtime Championship Boxing, ShoBox: The New Generation, Solo Boxeo Tecate, Warriors Boxing, United Promotions, KZ Event Productions, Ballroom Boxing, 12 Round Promotions and Legends of the Ring.
- GLORY [40]
- Kunlun Fight - Chinese kickboxing promotion.[41]
- K-1 [42]
- Final Fight Championship - Based in Croatia.
- Enfusion - Dutch based kickboxing promotion.[43]
- King of Kings - Europe-based kickboxing promotion.
FN's "From The Vault" archive includes fights from K-1, K-1 MAX, Strykerz: Shin Do Kumate, Superleague and PowerPlay Promotions.
- ADCC, Best Of - Compilations of matches from the Abu Dhabi Combat Club Submission Wrestling World Championship.
- Professional Submission League - L.A. Sub X and X-Mission events.
- World Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup - International grappling tournaments.
- Budo Challenge - Grappling event produced by Rickson Gracie.
- World Combat Games - The SportAccord World Combat Games, featuring 15 Olympic and non-Olympic sports, including akido, boxing, fencing, judo, BJJ, karate, kendo, kickboxing, Muay Thai, sambo, savate, sumo, taekwondo, wrestling and wushu.
- International Judo Federation - International sanctioning body for judo. Tournaments include Grand Prix, Grand Slam and Olympic qualification.[44]
- World Karate Federation - Largest governing body for sport karate recognized by International Olympic Committee. FN broadcasts Junior and Senior Karate World Championships.[45][46]
- World Taekwondo Federation - A member of the International Olympic Committee, events feature the traditional martial art of taekwondo.[47]
- Impact Wrestling
- Xplosion
- Impact Wrestling's Greatest Matches
- Ring of Honor Wrestling [48]
- Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre - Weekly show based in Mexico City showcasing Lucha libre professional wrestling.[49]
- House of Hardcore - US-based promotion founded by Tommy Dreamer.
- Insane Championship Wrestling Friday Night Fight Club - ICW's weekly show, filmed in Glasgow, Scotland.[50]
- International Pro Wrestling UK - Episodic weekly show from IPW:UK[51][52]
- Review-A-Raw - John Pollock and Wai Ting review weekly editions of WWE Raw.
- Review-A-SmackDown - John Pollock and Wai Ting review weekly editions of WWE SmackDown.
- Fighting Spirit Wrestling - Compilation matches from Japan (New Japan Pro Wrestling) and Mexico (CMLL).[53]
- Ultimate Classic Wrestling - Early careers of notable wrestling stars from the USWA and other promotions.
- CMLL Wrestling - World's oldest pro wrestling promotion based in Mexico.[54]
- CMLL Minis - Features the Mini-Estrella division with Lucha Libre-style pro wrestling from Mexico.
- New Japan Pro-Wrestling - Japan-based promotion founded by Antonio Inoki.
- Ring of Honor, Best of - Independent wrestling promotion from the U.S. featuring early matches.
- WrestleCentre - Canadian promotion from Nova Scotia.
- Smash Wrestling - Canadian promotion from Toronto.
- International Wrestling Syndicate - Canadian promotion from Montreal.[55]
FN's "From The Vault" archive includes matches from Impact Wrestling, Dragon Gate USA, Pro Wrestling Noah and Best of Memphis and St. Louis Wrestling.
- Master Toddy's Tuff Girls - 14 women live together and train under Master Toddy as they compete in an elimination-style contest for a chance to win a Muay Thai championship in Thailand.[56]
- Fight Girls - 10 female fighters live together and train with Master Toddy in Las Vegas before they vie for a world championship in Thailand. Features Gina Carano.
- Gotta Grudge? - Real people settle their real life grudges in amateur boxing fights.
- Ninja Warrior - Olympic athletes, fighters and professional wrestlers try to conquer a difficult obstacle course.
- Kill Arman - Unfit and with no previous experience, Arman has six months to learn to fight 10 different warriors with 10 martial arts in 10 countries.
- Amir Khan's Angry Young Men - Series documenting former WBA champion Amir Khan and how he mentored troubled angry men, helping them focus on family values and faith.
- T.O.P. Army Boxer & T.O.P. Army Fighter - Series profiles members of the American military competing in boxing and MMA bouts before they are deployed for duty overseas.
- Ross Kemp - Kemp interviewed gang members around the world. First broadcast in 2006. The first series featured gangs and police corruption in Brazil, Maori gangs in New Zealand, neo-Nazi skinheads in California, and gangsters in London. The second series featured "MS13" from El Salvador, neo-Nazis in Russia, skinheads in Poland, American "Bloods" and "Crips" gangs in St. Louis, and the Numbers gang in South Africa. In addition, Ross Kemp in Afghanistan documents Kemp as he followed the 1st Battalion of the British Army's Royal Anglian Regiment during their deployment to Afghanistan's Helmand Province from March to August 2007.
- Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men - Documentary series profiling Danny Dyer venturing into the dark depths of the British underworld and hunting down some of the most notorious and feared criminals in the U.K.
- Chris Ryan's Elite Police - Best-selling author Chris Ryan travels the world's crime and terror hotspots to train and operate alongside a new breed of law enforcer - the Elite Police. Series shows high-tech weaponry taking on the terrorist threat in Kazakhstan, close combat shootouts in the slums of Brazil, violent clashes with Mexican drug cartels and airborne Colombian hit squads taking out the cocaine labs.
- Truth Duty Valour - Each episode profiles the intense training and competition the Canadian military undergoes to maintain operational readiness for deployments overseas.
- Road Wars - Follows the 14 members of the Thames Valley Police's roads policing proactive unit while they carried out their duties. The program has documented the changing tactics of criminals, perhaps most importantly their increasing violence and recklessness, and the response of the U.K. police forces.
- WWE Tough Enough - Participants undergo professional wrestling training and compete for a contract with WWE. Hosted by Steve Austin.[57]
FN has aired fight-themed documentaries:
- Bret Hart: Survival of the Hitman - Fight Network original documentary chronicling Bret Hart's life as he prepared for his in-ring return at WrestleMania XXVI. First aired March 22, 2010.[58]
- Live Audio Wrestling (The LAW) - Wrestling and MMA talk show that airs online, on SiriusXM's Canada Talks and on TSN Radio 1050.
On May 23, 2013, Fight Network launched three weekly talk shows on SiriusXM's Canada Talks.[59]
- ↑ Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2004-62 Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 8. lipnja 2011. (Wayback Machine); CRTC; 2004-01-30
- ↑ The Fight Network Comes Out Swinging On Rogers Digital Cable Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 7. studenoga 2017. (Wayback Machine),, 09-22-05
- ↑ Taking the fight to the fans Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 7. studenoga 2017. (Wayback Machine), SLAM! Wrestling, 01-28-05
- ↑ Tedesco, Jamie Sturgeon and Theresa. Asper returns to media with Fight Network stake. Financial Post (engleski). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 7. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 4. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ New Fight Network campaign packs a punch. Marketing (engleski). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 7. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 4. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Fight Network Launches in HD on Rogers Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 7. studenoga 2017. (Wayback Machine), Fight Network press release, 03-14-13
- ↑ UFC reaches Canadian broadcast deal with TSN, RDS. Postmedia News. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 7. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 23. prosinca 2014.
- ↑ TSN, RDS, and Fight Network become new Canadian home for UFC. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 23. prosinca 2014. Pristupljeno 23. prosinca 2014.
- ↑ Fight Network Signs Multi-Year TV Deal with TNA Wrestling. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 3. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Fight Network Signs Exclusive Multi-Year Deal with WSOF.
- ↑ Fight Network and TNA IMPACT WRESTLING Enter Into Comprehensive Global Content Partnership - Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 3. svibnja 2016. Pristupljeno 27. travnja 2016.
- ↑ Anthem Acquires Majority Interest in TNA Impact Wrestling. Multichannel (engleski). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 7. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 3. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Exclusive: Jeff Jarrett Claims 'Anthem Is Out Of Money'; Impact Wrestling & Anthem Issue Response. Wrestlezone (engleski). 23. listopada 2017. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 1. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 3. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Bixenspan, David. Impact Wrestling Ruins Everything: Losses Lead to Journalist Layoffs. Deadspin (engleski). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 3. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ WOR: Talent update, cuts, RAW recap, Survivor Series teams, more!. 31. listopada 2017. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 3. studenoga 2017. Pristupljeno 2. studenoga 2017.
- ↑ Meltzer, Dave. 11. prosinca 2018. UFC renews Canadian broadcast deals with TSN, RDS. MMA Fighting. Pristupljeno 7. ožujka 2019.
- ↑ Fight Network Coming to America!; BNET; February 2007
- ↑ The Fight Network Opens Office in Ecuador; BNET; February 2007
- ↑ The Fight Network Goes Global, Completes Private Placement Led By Canadian Media Heavyweights Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 8. srpnja 2011. (Wayback Machine); Canvas Chronicle; 2008-04-02
- ↑ Fight Network in USA on NeuLion - Mixed Martial Arts News. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Fight Network, FNTSY Sports expand U.S. distribution with Suddenlink launch
- ↑ Fight Network launches new UK TV service. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 18. srpnja 2018.
- ↑ World Series of Fighting 1 LIVE TODAY at 10:30 p.m. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 16. siječnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Apex Sports Agency Acquires One Fighting Championship North American Brand Rights : The Business of MMA. 3. svibnja 2012. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 4. ožujka 2016. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ RFA 21 LIVE Fri @ 10p ET on Fight Network (Canada/Int’l). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 16. siječnja 2015. Pristupljeno 15. siječnja 2015.
- ↑ KSW 27: Cage Time on May 17, 2014 at 2 p.m. ET LIVE on Fight Networ. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 15. siječnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Fight Network Extends Live Broadcast Deal with Cage Warriors Fighting Championship. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 18. listopada 2012. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2013.
- ↑ 10 Event Broadcast Deal With Fight Network Canada Ahead of BAMMA 8. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 4. listopada 2015. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2013.
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ FFC 14 LIVE Friday @ 2p ET on Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 16. siječnja 2015. Pristupljeno 15. siječnja 2015.
- ↑ UCMMA Signs Deal With Canada's Fight Network. MMA Uncaged. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 21. siječnja 2013. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2013.
- ↑ EFC Africa signs multi-year broadcast deal with Fight Network. 1. kolovoza 2011. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 19. siječnja 2016. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Mma In Asia: Sfl India Inks Canadian Tv Deal. 3. listopada 2012. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Fight Network Partners with Quebec’s SLAMM Tristar Fights. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 24. rujna 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ The Fight Network Partners with Golden Boy Promotions. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 16. veljače 2013. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2013.
- ↑ DeGale-Zuniga, Ramos-Williams Jr. LIVE Sat on. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Price Destroys Skelton in Two Live on. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ GLORY 3 Rome LIVE TODAY at 3:30 p.m. ET on Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 10. listopada 2013. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2013.
- ↑ Archived copy. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 18. srpnja 2018. Pristupljeno 13. srpnja 2018.CS1 održavanje: arhivirana kopija u naslovu (link)
- ↑ K-1 Confirms Matchups for Sept. 14 LIVE on Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 17. listopada 2013. Pristupljeno 16. listopada 2013.
- ↑ Enfusion 3: Slovenia LIVE this Sunday @ 1 p.m. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Fight Network Presents Live Coverage of Judo World Championships from Brazil Oct. 27-28. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 28. listopada 2012. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Karate Canada. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 28. ožujka 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Announces Three-Year Deal with World Karate Federation. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ 2013 Taekwondo Canada Open Premieres May 28 on. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Fight Network Partners with Ring of Honor to Air Weekly TV Series Across Canada - Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 23. travnja 2016. Pristupljeno 27. travnja 2016.
- ↑ Fight Network to Debut Weekly CMLL Wrestling Series on Cinco de Mayo - Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 26. travnja 2016. Pristupljeno 27. travnja 2016.
- ↑ Fight Network Signs Global TV Deal with U.K.-Based Insane Championship Wrestling - Fight Network. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 31. svibnja 2016. Pristupljeno 1. lipnja 2016.
- ↑ @IPWUK. 2. listopada 2018. IT’S OFFICIAL // IPW comes to national TV! (Tweet) Prenosi Twitter
- ↑ International Pro Wrestling will be broadcasting on national television for the first time
- ↑ Launches 'Fighting Spirit Wrestling' Series. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ LAW Jan 25 Update - CMLL Coming to Canada. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 28. siječnja 2010. Pristupljeno 26. ožujka 2010.
- ↑ "IWS on Fight Network", International Wrestling Syndicate, Retrieved on April 12, 2019.
- ↑ Fight Network to Air Muay Thai Reality Series ‘Tuff Girls’. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 5. siječnja 2013. Pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2013.
- ↑ Archives | The Fight Network to air Tough Enough in Canada. 16. svibnja 2011. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. travnja 2015. Pristupljeno 30. ožujka 2015.
- ↑ Pat Laprade; Bertrand Hebert. 2012. Mad Dogs, Midgets and Screw Jobs: The Untold Story of How Montreal Shaped the World of Wrestling. ECW Press. str. ? pp. ISBN 978-1770410947
- ↑ Fight Network Launches Three Weekly Shows on SiriusXM Ch 167. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 20. kolovoza 2013. Pristupljeno 18. lipnja 2013.
Upozorenje: Razvrstavanje po "Fight Network, The" poništava ranije razvrstavanje po "Jokić, Kris".
... mogu poslužiti kao izvori ili vanjske poveznice:
- 149. brigada Hrvatske Vojske Zagreb
- „DANI 149. Brigade HV-Trešnjevka“ - 2013.
- 24. obljetnica Vojno redarstvene akcije “Širinci ’92.”
- Operacija Oluja (4. kolovoza − 7. kolovoza 1995.)
- Malonogometni turnir u povodu 22.obljetnica osnutka 149.brigade HV
- 149th Brigade of Croatian army, Zagreb - Tresnjevka (Trešnjevka).
AXS TV | |
Vrsta odašiljanja | Televizija |
Pokriveno područje | cijeli svijet |
Zemlja | SAD |
Jezik | engleski |
Sjedište | Denver, Colorado |
Vlasnik | AXS TV, LLC (Anthem Sports & Entertainment (većinski vlasnik) AEG) |
Početak prikazivanja | 6. rujna 2001.; prije 18 godina |
Raniji nazivi | HDNet (2001. – 2012.) |
Razlučivost slike | 1080i (HDTV) |
Službena stranica | Službena stranica |
AXS TV (izgovara se kao "access") je američka specijalizirana televizijska postaja. Većinu vlasništva posjeduje Anthem Sports & Entertainment, a program ove televizijske postaje posvećeno je prvenstveno za prijenos koncerata, televizijskih igara, dokumentaraca, intervjua i borilačke sportove poput mješovitih borilačkih vještina i profesionalnog hrvanja.
Televizijski program originalno je debitirao 6. rujna 2001. kao HDNet u visokoj rezolucijj pod vlasništvom "HDNet, LLC" čiji su vlasnici tada bili Mark Cuban, vlasnik Dallasa Mavericka te Philip Garvin, vlasnik "Coloradskog Studija" i "Mobile TV Groupe".[1] Prvotno je program bio namijenjen pretežno muškoj populaciji raznim sadržajima kao što su televizijske serije, športski događaji i koncerti.[2] Od prosinca Televizija u 2001. do siječnja 2002. HDNet je emitirao ekskluzivnu HD pokrivenost za američku invaziju na Afghanistan sa bivšim CNN-ovim dopisnikom Peterom Arnettom.[3] U veljači 2002. program je izravno 1/3 dana u viskoj rezoluciji prenosio devete Zimske Olimpijske igre koje su se održale u Saltu Lakeu Cityju; ovaj prijenos je bio pokuplhen od NBC-a i emitirao se u 24-satnoj rotaciji na digitalnim televizijskim signalima NBC-ovih postaja.[4]
Postaja se postupno proširila svoje odašiljanje programa do satelitskih pružatelja usluga kao što su DirecTV and Dish Network, kao i davatelji kabelskih kanala poput Chartera Communicationsa, Insighta Communicationsa, Mediacoma, Suddelinka Communicationsa, Verzionog FiOS-a i AT&T U-versea.[5] 4. rujna 2019. Cuban je objavila da je mreža postigla sporazum s Comcastom o prenošenju HDNet-a i HDNet Movies-a na različitim tržištima.[6] Pružatelj je počeo prenositi HDNet na mnogim glavnim tržištima od 30. rujna 2010. U studenom 2009. DirecTV postao je prvi davatelj koji je ponudio usluge video na zahtjev "HDNet"-a and "HDNet Movies"-a.[7]
- Koncerti
- AXS TV Concerts
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- Carolina Rebellion (2016.)
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- Zac Brown Band's Southern Ground Music & Food Festival (2013., 2014., 2016.)
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- The Big Interview with Dan Rather
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- The Voice Versus with Michael Schiavello
- The World's Greatest Tribute Bands hosted by Katie Daryl
HDNet Movies je lansiran u siječnju 2003. kao vrteća rotacija HDNet-a (danas AXS TV). Mrežna televizija sadrži kazališno puštene filmove i dokumentarce koji su snimani u visokoj rezoluciji i bez prekida programa zbog reklama ili montaže sadržaja. Program prikazuje širok izbor filmova, uključujući pobjednike Academyja Awarda, akcijske filmove, znanstveno-fantastične filmove i vesterne. Na programu se redovito emitiraju filmske emisije kao što su "And The Oscar Goes To... Presented by Richard Roeper",[9] "Totally 80s Month with Judge Reinhold"[9] and "Rob Zombie's 13 Nights of Halloween".[10]
HDNet Movies je dostupan na nacionalnoj razini putem satelitskih pružatelja usluge kao DISH, DIRECTV, Verizon FiOS i AT&T-u U-verse;[11] regionalno preko nuditelja usluge kabelske televizije kao što su Charter Spectrum,[12] Service Electric,[13] Suddenlinka Communicationsa,[14] Timea Warnera Spectruma, i SureWesta;[15] and on the streaming service Sling TV.[16]
- ↑ Mark Cuban's HDNet To Rebrand As AXS TV. Variety (engleski). 18. siječnja 2012. Pristupljeno 23. rujna 2019.
- ↑ 'Fired Up' Cuban Launches HDNet. Multichannel (engleski). 9. rujna 2001. Pristupljeno 23. rujna 2019.
- ↑ HDNet Broadcasts First HDTV From Afghanistan. TV Technology. 22. siječnja 2002. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 8. veljače 2015. Pristupljeno 23. rujna 2019.
- ↑ NBC, HDNet To Team For HDTV Broadcast of Winter Olympics. (engleski). 17. prosinca 2001. Pristupljeno 23. rujna 2019.
- ↑ HDNet To Expand Network Offering In Five Comcast Markets Across The Country. (engleski). 12. svibnja. Pristupljeno 23. rujna 2019. Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru:
(pomoć) - ↑ HDNet Announces Agreement with Comcast. Sherdog. 4. rujna 2008. Pristupljeno 25. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Dickson, Glen. 6. studenoga 2009. DirecTV Adds HDNet On-Demand. (engleski). Broadcasting & Cable. Pristupljeno 23. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Butumović, Alen. 12. rujna 2019. Impact Wrestling prelazi na AXS TV. Pristupljeno 25. rujna 2019.
- ↑ a b HDNet Movies Unveils A 40-Film Line-Up For Its Month-Long Academy Award Celebration ‘And The Oscar Goes To’ Hosted By Richard Roeper Jan. 29-Feb. 24 Nightly At 8 pm | Multichannel. (engleski). Pristupljeno 22. rujn 2019. Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru:
(pomoć) - ↑ Rob Zombie to Host '13 Nights of Halloween'. (engleski). 17. kolovoza 2017. Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019.
- ↑ DIRECTV Partners with HDNet and HDNet Movies to Offer On Demand (engleski). Bloomberg. 3. studenoga 2008. Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Charter to Launch HDNet & HDNet Movies Networks (engleski). Broadcast Newsroom. 13. siječnja 2003. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 10. veljače. Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019. Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru:
(pomoć) - ↑ TV Technology: NCTC to Bring HDNet to the Heartland (engleski). TV Technology. 29. svibnja 2003. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 10. veljače 2015. Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Suddenlink Adding New HD Channels (engleski). The Town Talk. 3. lipnja 2009. Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019.
- ↑ SureWest to Include HDNet, HDNet Movies in HDTV Service (engleski). Telecom Paper. 7. prosinca 2005. Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019.
- ↑ Sling Launches GSN, AXS TV, HDNet Movies | Multichannel (engleski). Pristupljeno 22. rujna 2019. Nepoznati parametar
zanemaren (pomoć)
- Službena stranica
- HDNet (engleski). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 25. ožujka 2002. Pristupljeno 21. rujna 2019.