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Razgovor sa suradnikom:Resnjari

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Resnjari, dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskome jeziku, započetu 16. veljače 2003. godine – slobodnu enciklopediju!

Pozivamo vas na sudjelovanje u rastu ove svima dostupne enciklopedije na hrvatskome standardnom jeziku.

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  • Wikipedija − što je Wikipedija, povijest i organizacija projekta,
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Ako želite vježbati možete to raditi na stranici za vježbanje, u slučaju da vam zatreba pomoć učinite sljedeće:

Svoje doprinose na člancima ne potpisujte, dok komentare na pripadajućim stranicama za razgovor, suradničkim stranicama i Kafiću molimo potpisujte tako što ćete pritisnuti gumbić ili na alatnoj vrpci ili napisati 4 tilde (tilda = 4x istovremeno tipke AltGr + tipka s brojem 1), što kod uređivanja izgleda ovako ~~~~.
Vlastitu suradničku stranicu (onu koja se zove "Suradnik:Resnjari") možete uređivati po svojoj želji u skladu s pravilima uređivanja suradničke stranice (npr. asketski ili šminkerski).

Molimo Vas, ne stavljajte zaštićene radove bez dopuštenja! Nemojte izravno kopirati sadržaje s drugih internetskih stranica ako nemate izričito dopuštenje. Ako imate dopuštenje, napišite to na stranici za razgovor ili jednostavno dodajte ovdje. No, obvezno to napravite prije nego započnete s pisanjem preuzetog teksta. Molimo uočite da se svi doprinosi Wikipediji smatraju dvojno licencirani, pod Creative Commons Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima 3.0 i GFDL licencijom. Ako ne želite da se vaše pisanje nemilosrdno uređuje i slobodno raspačava, nemojte ga ovamo slati. Također nam obećavate da ćete ono što ćete napisati sami napisati, ili ćete to prepisati iz nečeg što je u javnom vlasništvu ili pod sličnom slobodnom licencijom.

If you don't speak Croatian: This is a welcome message sent to new users of hr.wikipedia.

Još jednom, dobro došli! SpeedyGonsales 00:32, 3. kolovoza 2018. (CEST)[odgovori]

Thank you regarding info, I started reading that article, and after few sentences stopped - that article is load of crap. Our project, hr.wp adheres to same rules as all other wikipedias, and has basically the same problems - including lack of good editors in some areas, which are sometimes lagging behind a bit. And if you think that en.wp is better, you are wrong. 1RR on en.wp for Balkan themes is actually shameful acceptance that en.wp is lacking quality sysops able to solve edit conflicts according to the same rules as in other themes. Net result is - some articles concerning Balkans are worse for 1RR, not better.

Not to give you just generic lamentation, regarding article(s) about war crimes during WWII in Croatia and around: after 1945 every crime of losing side was colored worse, from factor 1 to even 1.000, and winning side was said - did no (war) crimes at all. It was admitted in recent war (1991-1995) that both winning and losing side could and did war crimes. Interesting, even funny, in WWII wining side in Croatia and/or Yugoslavia did no crime at all. That was official standing, and anybody stupid enough to question it disappeared. Recently, some of communist accounts of war and post war history which sounded false for last 70 years are publicly refuted, and scientific books and studies are being published by most respected scholars in country. That data is finding way to wikipedia, as is expected, of course, and people either adherent or adjacent to side whose crimes are now revealed, are doing everything they can to diminish the effects that revealing of truth has on their jobs or families etc.

In short, dirty work of dirty people. I can only assure you that users of hr.wp are adhering to basically the same rules as all other wikipedias, be it NPOV or using valid sources. What can Wikipedia users or sysops do if new facts are not the same as we were told some 20 or 50 years ago? Should we disregard our rules, ignore new sources, although they are of highest quality? I'm very sorry, but no crime can stay covered and unpunished forever. Evidently, communist crimes are almost up to be told in whole, not punished, but publicly written and admitted. No, I'm quite sure that all boxes in archives are still not opened and analyzed by scholars, so more changes are to be expected. Diffamation, slander is to be expected, but, as I already wrote, if criminals or their friends are slandering us, what should we do? Cry?

Wikipedia is project that empowers all of us with the facts, with the truth. We are doing that as best we can and know. Regards. SpeedyGonsales 01:12, 3. kolovoza 2018. (CEST)[odgovori]

@SpeedyGonsales, i've been travelling for a bit these past few months until now, so apologies on not replying to you earlier. My post on your talkpage was just to inform you that you have been written about on a news website that has a wide spread Balkan readership (and whose news profile is increasing internationally on Balkan issues) and that you may not have been aware. That's all. I felt that you have a right to know considering your an administrator on the Croatian Wikipedia project and by the looks of things you were not aware. Regards.Resnjari (razgovor) 20:50, 30. rujna 2018. (CEST)[odgovori]