Razgovor sa suradnikom:RG067
RG067, dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskome jeziku – slobodnu enciklopediju! Pozivamo vas na sudjelovanje u rastu ove svima dostupne enciklopedije započete 16. veljače 2003. godine.
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If you don't speak Croatian: This is a welcome message sent to new users of hr.wikipedia.
Još jednom, dobro došli! -- MaGa▀▄poruči mi 17:51, 29. travnja 2021. (CEST)
[uredi kôd]Hey there!
Personally, it's not difficult for me to mark your edits as patrolled, but maybe I could grant you a temporary pseudobot flag if you don't wish to flood the recent changes with edits, if that's okay with you. If so, just tell me how long you wish to work on syntax errors so that I can set the timing appropriately.
Kind regards, --Neptune, the Mystic 11:19, 17. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- Hi @Neptune, the Mystic,
- I think I will have done what I want to do at the end of the day (I don't have so much left to do). If you want to give me the temporary pseudobot flag, you can, it don't change anythink for me. I make all my edits manually.
- Kind regards, RG067 (razgovor) 11:25, 17. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- @Neptune, the Mystic
- I am stopping there for today. I didn't do everything I wanted, so I think I'll come back (maybe) another day. But there are some corrections that I cannot make because I do not understand Croatian. If a local user can use WPCleaner to fix errors, that would be great!
- Kind regards, RG067 (razgovor) 15:52, 17. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- Duly noted, thank you for taking the time to correct syntax errors on this project!
- Kind regards, --Neptune, the Mystic 15:59, 17. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
You are making some errors: Varšave, Italije. This shouldn't be done automatically, an operator should understand croatian language and it's specifics. --Argo Navis (razgovor) 09:23, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- Hi @Argo Navis,
- I stop yet. I'm not doing that automaticly, but, yes, I don't understand Croatian. Sorry for the errors. RG067 (razgovor) 09:25, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- I will unblock you, but please skip replaces where you have to add just closing ]. --Argo Navis (razgovor) 09:29, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- Noted, thanks for your time (and sorry for the errors). RG067 (razgovor) 09:31, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- And I don't know if you want it, but I can go slower to let you time to read the edits. RG067 (razgovor) 09:34, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- Noted, thanks for your time (and sorry for the errors). RG067 (razgovor) 09:31, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- I will unblock you, but please skip replaces where you have to add just closing ]. --Argo Navis (razgovor) 09:29, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- Here is another situation where you should skip fixing the closing brackets.
- We don't have specific rules about whether one can use WPCleaner if he doesn't speak Croatian. I'm sure the other admin would have warned you if he had noticed the errors I noticed.
- AFAIK, you can continue working but without autopatrol status for now. That way, we can let you know in what situations to skip fixes. --Argo Navis (razgovor) 10:05, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)
- @Argo Navis Ok, I understand it, and as you can see in my edits, I actually correct templates. I don't ask for the autopatroll, it doesn't change anything for me (and it's better, so you can say me what I shouldn't do). RG067 (razgovor) 10:10, 18. svibnja 2021. (CEST)