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"desni uspon" nije ispravan prijevod.

rectus ne znači desni, nego ravan, prav.

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Bleau, Guilielmi (1668). Institutio Astronomica. p. 65., at Google books, "Ascensio recta Solis, stellæ, aut alterius cujusdam signi, est gradus æquatorus cum quo simul exoritur in sphæra recta"; roughly translated, "Right ascension of the Sun, stars, or any other sign, is the degree of the equator which rises together in a right sphere". Kubura (razgovor) 04:18, 6. siječnja 2013. (CET)[odgovori]

U engleskom right znači i ravan, prav a ne samo desni. A u latinskom rectus znači samo ravan, a nikada desni.

Right sphere (Astron. & Geol.), a sphere in such a position that the equator cuts the horizon at right angles = pravi kut = 90°; za razliku od oblique sphere.

Na engleskoj wikipediji: An old term, right ascension (Latin, ascensio recta) refers to the ascension, or the point on the celestial equator which rises with any celestial object, as seen from the Earth's equator, where the celestial equator intersects the horizon at a right angle = pravi kut = 90°. It is contrasted with oblique ascension, the point on the celestial equator which rises with a celestial object as seen from almost anywhere else on Earth, where the celestial equator intersects the horizon at an oblique angle

Njemačka wikipedija: die Rektaszension (lateinisch ascensio recta = gerader Aufstieg)

Mađarska: a rektaszcenzió (latin: ascensio recta, egyenes emelkedés)

LeoZ (razgovor) 18:53, 6. siječnja 2013. (CET)[odgovori]