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Razgovor:Pokolj u Ahmićima

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Ovo je stranica za razgovor za raspravu o poboljšanjima na članku Pokolj u Ahmićima.
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[uredi kôd]

Ovaj članak treba temeljitu provjeru. Ja trenutno nemam vremena za to, unio sam samo manje dopune. Npr. navodi se: "Prema Centru za ljudska prava u Zenici, od 200 bošnjačkih kuća, spaljeno je njih 180." što je istina utoliko da je Centar za ljudska prava u Zenici dao taj podatak, ali taj navod Centra za ljudska prava u Zenici je netočan podatak, a u članku se ostavlja dojam da je točan. (Provjerljiv podatak prema mnogo relevantnijim izvorima, ovaj zločin temeljito je istražen.) Itd.

Presuda Blaškiću:

The primary conclusion of the Trial Chamber was that the Accused ordered the attack with the clear intention that a massacre would be committed. The Trial Chamber found beyond a reasonable doubt that Ahmići and the other villages “had been the object of a planned attack on the Muslim population on 16 April 1993.” The Trial Chamber relied on several factors in concluding beyond a reasonable doubt that the attack on civilians, which in other places in the Trial Judgement is referred to as a massacre, was planned and organised at a high level of the military hierarchy. (str. 275, naglasak moj)

Članak ovo potpuno ignorira, i promiče teoriju o Ahmićima kao o "legitimnom vojnom cilju", te dodatno zamagljuje i relativizira događaj pričom o tobožnjim "često ponavljanim niječućim lažima visokih oficira Armije BiH i lažnim bošnjačkih svjedočanstvima na suđenjima u Haagu". GregorB (razgovor) 16:46, 16. travnja 2021. (CEST)[odgovori]

The Mazowiecki Report on Ahmići states the observed facts, include it

[uredi kôd]

"When the Special Rapporteur’s field staff visited the village in early May, some of the approximately 180 destroyed houses were still smoldering, two weeks after the attack. During or after the attack, the two mosques in the village were destroyed, one with explosives; the other was gutted by fire and was still smoldering when field staff visited the village. Of the 89 bodies which have been recovered from the village, most are those of elderly people, women, children and infants. A list of 101 possible victims was obtained through the testimony of displaced persons who had witnessed killings." 13:14, 20. listopada 2024. (CEST)[odgovori]