Razgovor:František Raš
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Question, pitanje
[uredi kôd]I have a question regarding the picture „Oproštajno pismo Raša uoči strijeljanja” (Rasch’s farewell letter on the eve of execution)
- Can anyone give a source, as to where this letter was found, or is stored?
- Is there a transcript available?
- Is it sure that the letter was written by Rasch? The signature does not look like F. Rasch.
I hope someone can help.
Google translation: Imam pitanje u vezi sa slikom „Oproštajno pismo Raša uoči strijeljanja“ (Raschovo oproštajno pismo uoči smaknuća)
- Može li netko dati izvor gdje je to pismo pronađeno ili je pohranjeno?
- Postoji li transkript?
- Je li sigurno da je pismo napisao Rasch? Potpis ne izgleda kao F. Rasch.
Nadam se da netko može pomoći --Kuhl-k (razgovor) 12:26, 12. travnja 2020. (CEST)
- I am mainly writing for the German wikipedia (see article the on Frantisek Rasch. --Kuhl-k (razgovor) 12:28, 12. travnja 2020. (CEST)
RE: Hello @Kuhl-k! The source of the image does not exist anymore. ([1]) The only thing I found was in the Web Archive, but the images were unreadable ([2]). I think what you might have connected with a signature, is the last word. I personally think it is another word for "Boka" (Boka kotorska), since the Italian word for it was "Bocche", the Venetian: "Boche". Best regards, Koreanovsky (razgovor) 12:46, 12. travnja 2020. (CEST)
- Many thanks!!--Kuhl-k (razgovor) 12:57, 12. travnja 2020. (CEST)
- I got an answer from a colleague from the Czech wikipedia. Jvs wrote that it is probable that this letter was not written on the eve of execution but earlier [because its dated 2 February 1918]; and that in fact, they have no proof that this letter was written by Rasch. May be you should make a related remark in your Frantisek Rasch article? --Kuhl-k (razgovor) 11:04, 13. travnja 2020. (CEST)
- Jvs sent a transcript and a translation (I added a German translation):
- 2/II. 18.
- 2 h sapoledné
- Milá maminko i moje drahé děti.
- Loučím se s Vámi, nevím, co v příští chvíli se se mnou stane, nemohu nic délati na zachránění, není na to ani pomyšlení. Stalo se, revoluce vypukla a my někteří nemůžeme býti ani proti, ani pro a proto se loučím; střílí se již na obou stranách. Odpusťte mně, hřešil-li jsem kdy proti Vám. Buďte ujištěni, že můj poslední vzdech platil Vám. S Bohem
- 2/II. 18.
- 2 hours in the morning
- Dear mom and my dear children.
- I say goodbye to you, as I do not know what will happen to me in the next moment; I can do nothing to save myself, I am even not able to think about it. It all just happened: the revolution broke out, and some of us cannot be against it nor for it, therefore I say goodbye; already there is shooting from both sides. Forgive me if I have ever sinned against you. Rest assured that my last sigh was meant for you. With God
- 2/II. [19]18.
- 2 Stunden am Morgen
- Liebe Mutter und meine lieben Kinder.
- Ich verabschiede mich von euch, weil ich nicht weiß, was mit mir im nächsten Moment geschehen wird; ich kann nichts tun, um mich selbst zu retten, ich kann nicht einmal daran denken. Es passierte alles einfach: Die Revolution brach aus, und einige von uns können nicht dagegen noch dafür sein, deshalb verabschiede ich mich; von beiden Seiten wird bereits geschossen. Vergib mir, wenn ich je gegen dich gesündigt habe. Du kannst sicher sein, dass mein letzter Atemzug für dich war. Mit Gott.
- Using Google Images I only found the image on Wikipedia. The image originates from a website which doesn't exist anymore. Here is it's link on the Wayback Machine: [3].--Croxyz (razgovor) 11:17, 13. travnja 2020. (CEST)
Several notes:
- I forgot to transcribe the time. It is "2/II 18. 2 h odpoledne" = 2 hours in the afternoon.
- The site http://www.rosmus.cz/ still exists, and is maintained, even after its principal contributor, Jiří Rosmus, died in 2018. There are many materials, including two documents about František Rasch (PDF, in Czech, available here). However, the letter is not to be found. Retracted, perhaps?
- The available sources describe Rasch as a convinced and courageous Social Democrat but the author of this letter looks rather passive and overcome by fear to me.
- My conclusion: most probably the letter was not written by Rasch. --Jvs (razgovor) 19:43, 13. travnja 2020. (CEST)
- Many thanks again. I checked the website rosmus.cz some days ago. I think the transcript of Veselý's book is very helpful. The "good-bye-letter" is also addressed to children. But as far as I know, we have no information that Rasch was married or had children. I think that is another clue, that the letter was not written by him. --Kuhl-k (razgovor) 11:55, 14. travnja 2020. (CEST)