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[uredi kôd]

Odakle termin "banda"? Čini mi se posve neprimjeren. Mislim da se radi o "bratstvima" ili "rodovima".--Fausto 11:19, 27. lipnja 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Ne, nisi u pravu. Bratstvo je fratrija, a rod je Morganov termin za klan. A ova 'banda' u etnografiji ima drugačije značenje od onoga kojeg koriste kriminalisti ili glazbenici. To je jedan segment plemena, koji često ima malo drugačiji naglasak, imaju vlastite teritorije, lovišta , mitove, neke običaje, pa mogu međusobno i zaratiti, ali uglavnom su si lojalni prema vanjskom neprijatelju. --Zeljko 11:33, 27. lipnja 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Izmjene su nužne!

[uredi kôd]

Svi zdravo!

Zeljko i ostali, nadam se da neko govori po engleski. Ja sam iz Češki i po hrvatski negovorim, samo malo razumem.

It is amazing that Croatian Wikipedia has this page and such large. However, I think this is a translation from James Mooney mainly. His informations are uncorrect and outdated often. I made some changes but following changes are necessary.

The Cheyenne creation story from the Jugoslavian book is very interesting. I don't know this version, only much similar.

Zeljko, you are right. Cheyennes didn't have the clan system. The Cheyenne bands was temporal territorial groups (from 150 Votapio members to 900 Omisis members in 1840). Their existence was relatively short (no more then 100 years), so the bands didn't have own mythology or ceremonies. However, after John H. Moore, the difference between Northern and Southern Cheyennes was older, maybe 400 years or more.

--Áhanátamao'o 18:02, 3. rujna 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Umetnuti nazivi češkog kolege, izvor nepoznat. ...names from unknown sources, citation needed.

I have supplied the bibliographical links. I hope you will be safisfied. I have deleted the remark about Hiammawihio (He´ámávé´ho´e) because he is hazy figure of Cheyenne religion. He could be an ancient culture hero or missionary term for Creator. He is not mentioned in major versions of the Cheyenne Creation story. --Áhanátamao'o 22:54, 3. rujna 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

all right, --Zeljko 23:06, 3. rujna 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Changes have not displayed. I will continue tommorow. --Áhanátamao'o 23:15, 3. rujna 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

šajenska ortografija i bibliografija

[uredi kôd]

I have adapted the Cheyenne words, supplied a guide of pronunciation and the bibliography. Croatian colegues, correct my Croatian, but don´t delete my changes, please. I would like to improve this page for Croatian visitors. Believe me, I have used my best knowledge of Cheyenne culture for it and I can satisfy you that the changes was reasoned.--Áhanátamao'o 00:23, 5. rujna 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]