Doprinosi suradnika Marcus Cyron
Rezultati za Marcus Cyron razgovor evidencija blokiranja postavljene datoteke evidencije evidencija globalnog blokiranja globalni računi evidencija zloporaba global contributions
Suradnik ima 352 doprinosa. Račun je stvoren 27. ožujka 2008.
29. svibnja 2023.
- 00:0900:09, 29. svibnja 2023. razl pov +185 N Razgovor:Europsko prvenstvo u rukometu na pijesku za žene Stvorena nova stranica sa sadržajem: »Already 3 events (2019, 2021, 2023) are missing. ~~~~«. vrh Oznaka: nova tema
16. kolovoza 2021.
- 02:0202:02, 16. kolovoza 2021. razl pov −28 m Ingenuity (GR) File renamed: File:PIA24644-MarsIngenuityHelicopter-ThirdTestFlight-Animated-20210425.gif → File:Ingenuity flight 3 real-time animation.gif Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) · by template "Ingenuity flight ## [animation type] • [optional duration] • [optional frame rotation]" already used for naming 7 identical animated gifs Oznaka: GlobalReplace
- 01:4701:47, 16. kolovoza 2021. razl pov −48 m Ingenuity (GR) File renamed: File:Ingenuity flight six navcam imagery showing last 29 seconds in flight along with navigation anomaly.gif → File:Ingenuity flight 6 real-time animation (29 seconds).gif Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) · by template "Ingenuity flight ## [animation type] • [optional duration] • [optional frame rotation]" already used for naming 7 identical animated gifs Oznaka: GlobalReplace
- 01:3701:37, 16. kolovoza 2021. razl pov +7 m Dodatak:Popis vrsta:Curculio (GR) File renamed: File:Curculio.nucum.jpg → File:Curculio unidentified.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error) · This can't be Curculio nucum, the shape is completely different. Without locality, its impossible for me to identify it. vrh Oznaka: GlobalReplace
- 01:3701:37, 16. kolovoza 2021. razl pov +7 m Dodatak:Popis kukaca, Cu (GR) File renamed: File:Curculio.nucum.jpg → File:Curculio unidentified.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error) · This can't be Curculio nucum, the shape is completely different. Without locality, its impossible for me to identify it. vrh Oznaka: GlobalReplace
28. svibnja 2020.
- 03:1003:10, 28. svibnja 2020. razl pov +24 m Sete Lagoas (GR) File renamed: File:Sete.jpg → File:Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais -2.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) · hieß zuvor: Sieben vrh
27. rujna 2019.
- 02:1402:14, 27. rujna 2019. razl pov +70 Kristina Smiljanić Beach handball Euro 2019 Quarter Final Women CRO-UKR 035 (cropped).jpg
18. lipnja 2019.
- 03:0603:06, 18. lipnja 2019. razl pov −13 m Metro vagoni tipa 81-717/714 (GR) File renamed: File:Dnipropetrovskiy metropolitan logo.jpg → File:Dnipro Metro logo old.jpg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)
11. svibnja 2019.
- 22:3122:31, 11. svibnja 2019. razl pov +3 m Dodatak:Popis premijera Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva (GR) File renamed: File:Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey by Sir Thomas Lawrence cropped.jpg → File:Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey after Sir Thomas Lawrence cropped.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error)
30. ožujka 2019.
- 15:5515:55, 30. ožujka 2019. razl pov +3 m Uriel (GR) File renamed: File:St. Uriel- St John’s Church, Boreham.jpg → File:St. Uriel- St John’s Church, Warminster.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)
19. siječnja 2019.
- 21:1121:11, 19. siječnja 2019. razl pov +27 m Lilliput i Blefuscu (GR) File renamed: File:Moll - Map of Lilliput.png → File:Map of Lilliput - Gulliver's Travels 1726 edition.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · Please delete the name 'Moll', as Herman Moll did not create this map of a fictional island
10. travnja 2018.
- 15:2315:23, 10. travnja 2018. razl pov +23 m Rodnovjerje (GR) File renamed: File:Slavic neopaganism.jpg → File:Slavic Rodnover ritual in Russia, c. 2000.jpg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) · The current title is too generic.
- 15:2015:20, 10. travnja 2018. razl pov −4 m Rodnovjerje (GR) File renamed: File:Russian Rodnovers (2).PNG → File:Russian Rodnovers.png Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) · There is no image n. 1.
- 15:1415:14, 10. travnja 2018. razl pov +33 m Registracijske oznake za cestovna vozila u Slovačkoj (GR) File renamed: File:Pl8 SK-C 13231.png → File:Slovakia import-temporary license plate-C 13231.png Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)
18. prosinca 2017.
- 23:2923:29, 18. prosinca 2017. razl pov −2 m Schwechat (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen at schwechat.jpg → File:AUT Schwechat COA.jpg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)
15. studenoga 2017.
- 00:3100:31, 15. studenoga 2017. razl pov −8 m Gornja Borta (GR) File renamed: File:Coat of arms of Oberwart.svg → File:AUT Oberwart COA.svg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)
- 00:3100:31, 15. studenoga 2017. razl pov −7 m Novi Grad (Gradišće, Austrija) (GR) File renamed: File:Coat of arms of Gussing.svg → File:AUT Güssing COA.svg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)
- 00:3000:30, 15. studenoga 2017. razl pov +1 m Gornja Pulja (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Oberpullendorf.svg → File:AUT Oberpullendorf COA.svg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)
26. listopada 2017.
- 14:4114:41, 26. listopada 2017. razl pov +5 m Neustadt (Strasbourg) (GR) File renamed: File:Strasbourg plRepublique22.jpg → File:Strasbourg plRépublique 5 (3).jpg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request)
- 14:3814:38, 26. listopada 2017. razl pov +13 m Neustadt (Strasbourg) (GR) File renamed: File:Strasbourg TNS 03.JPG → File:Strasbourg plRépublique 7 (3).jpg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request)
25. listopada 2017.
- 09:4809:48, 25. listopada 2017. razl pov +3 m Golema školjkača (GR) File renamed: File:Tridacna gigas - NHM 1.jpg → File:Tridacna squamosa - NHM 1.jpg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request)
14. listopada 2017.
- 12:5412:54, 14. listopada 2017. razl pov +2 m Dodatak:Popis vrsta:Acanthod (GR) File renamed: File:Acanthodactylus aureus Front.jpg → File:Acanthodactylus longipes Front.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error) · This species is identified as A. longipes, categorized as it, but named A... vrh
26. kolovoza 2017.
- 20:2720:27, 26. kolovoza 2017. razl pov +21 m Mastrinka (GR) File renamed: File:Maslina Kastela 0807 2.jpg → File:Old olive tree in Maslina Kaštela, Croatia.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that des...
- 20:2720:27, 26. kolovoza 2017. razl pov +21 m Maslina (GR) File renamed: File:Maslina Kastela 0807 2.jpg → File:Old olive tree in Maslina Kaštela, Croatia.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that des...
30. srpnja 2017.
- 17:5417:54, 30. srpnja 2017. razl pov 0 m Registracijske oznake za cestovna vozila u Švicarskoj (GR) File renamed: File:Switserland License plate Zurch front and behind.jpg → File:Switzerland Zürich front and rear license plate.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file...
27. travnja 2017.
- 18:1318:13, 27. travnja 2017. razl pov +45 m Tuva (GR) File renamed: File:Вечерний Дус-Холь.jpg → File:Озеро Дус-Холь вечером. Тес-Хемский кожуун.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a mean...
2. travnja 2017.
- 17:0717:07, 2. travnja 2017. razl pov +2 m Genova (GR) File renamed: File:Genau-piazza-di-ferrari.jpg → File:Genua - Piazza De Ferrari.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper...
10. veljače 2017.
- 16:2916:29, 10. veljače 2017. razl pov +25 m Gabriela Soukalová Nema sažetka uređivanja
- 16:2916:29, 10. veljače 2017. razl pov 0 m Gabriela Soukalová Marcus Cyron je premjestio stranicu Gabriela Soukalová na Gabriela Koukalová: married
6. veljače 2017.
- 18:2718:27, 6. veljače 2017. razl pov +6 m Kropyvnyckyj (GR) File renamed: File:Спасо-Преображенський собор у Кіровограді.jpg → File:Спасо-Преображенський собор у Кропивницькому.jpg [[c:COM:FR#reason...
14. siječnja 2017.
- 22:3022:30, 14. siječnja 2017. razl pov +29 m Oromska narodna demokratska organizacija (GR) File renamed: File:Et oromo-ruling party.png → File:Flag of the Oromo Peoples' Democratic Organization.png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name th...
17. prosinca 2016.
- 18:3718:37, 17. prosinca 2016. razl pov +14 m Rižino polje (GR) File renamed: File:Namwon8.jpg → File:Rice fields in Namwon.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image particularly di...
2. prosinca 2016.
- 18:2018:20, 2. prosinca 2016. razl pov +66 m Ana Politkovskaja (GR) File renamed: File:Politkovskaya.JPG → File:Народный мемориал у дома Анны Политковской.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambigu...
8. studenoga 2016.
- 13:4613:46, 8. studenoga 2016. razl pov +25 m Branič-kula (GR) File renamed: File:Snowykeepsm.jpg → File:The keep, Hedingham Castle in winter.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the im...
25. listopada 2016.
- 18:2518:25, 25. listopada 2016. razl pov −25 m Vespazijan (GR) File renamed: File:Statue of Vespasian, Archaeological museum Narona, Vid, Croatia (11431793093).jpg → File:Statue of Vespasian (Archaeological Museum Narona) 1.jpg File renaming criterion #2: T...
13. listopada 2016.
- 18:4218:42, 13. listopada 2016. razl pov −16 m Cayapa (GR) File renamed: File:Hombres Chachis o Cayapas.JPG → File:Huaoranis.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image particula...
14. rujna 2016.
- 22:3022:30, 14. rujna 2016. razl pov +23 m Dwyane Wade (GR) File renamed: File:WadeWizards.jpg → File:Dwyane Wade vs. Washington Wizards.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the imag...
- 22:2422:24, 14. rujna 2016. razl pov +19 m Dwyane Wade (GR) File renamed: File:Dwayne Wade.jpg → File:Dwyane Wade free throw attempt.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper nouns a...
13. rujna 2016.
- 14:1014:10, 13. rujna 2016. razl pov +5 m Dodatak:Popis ribljih vrsta, Ra (GR) File renamed: File:Raja brachyura.jpg → File:Raja clavata (BPNS).jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper nouns and commo...
22. kolovoza 2016.
- 19:2719:27, 22. kolovoza 2016. razl pov −5 m Kinder Surprise (GR) File renamed: File:Kinder Surprise Display Photography by David Adam Kess.jpg → File:Kinder Joy Display Photography by David Adam Kess.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors i...
20. kolovoza 2016.
- 11:1311:13, 20. kolovoza 2016. razl pov −23 m Glavočić dvotočkaš (GR) File renamed: File:Pomatoschistus pictus 18-04-07 DSCF7611.jpg → File:Buenia affinis 1.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#...
15. lipnja 2016.
- 17:0717:07, 15. lipnja 2016. razl pov +7 m Aarhus (GR) File renamed: File:Århus teater.jpg → File:Aarhus Teater (2005).jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper_nouns_and_commo...
1. svibnja 2016.
- 14:4314:43, 1. svibnja 2016. razl pov 0 m Zečevi (GR) File renamed: File:Riparian brush rabbits endengered mammal species sylvilagus bachmani riparius.jpg → File:Riparian brush rabbits endangered mammal species sylvilagus bachmani riparius.jpg [[c:COM:FR#reasons|File r...
2. travnja 2016.
- 20:2420:24, 2. travnja 2016. razl pov +27 m Moskovski kremlj (GR) File renamed: File:83AS5017.jpg → File:Kremlin from Bolshoy kamenny bridge.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image...
1. travnja 2016.
- 15:5715:57, 1. travnja 2016. razl pov +53 m Prometni znakovi (GR) File renamed: File:Zeichen 134-10.svg → File:Zeichen 134-10 - Fußgängerüberweg, Aufstellung rechts, StVO 1992.svg File renaming criterion #4: To harmonize the file names of a set of images (s...
30. prosinca 2015.
- 09:1909:19, 30. prosinca 2015. razl pov +18 m Robert Kearns (GR) File renamed: File:Robert Kearns at Simpleman 2011 (2).jpg → File:Robert Kearns of Lynyrd Skynyrd at Simpleman 2011 (2).jpg
- 09:1809:18, 30. prosinca 2015. razl pov −1 m Robert Kearns (GR) File renamed: File:Lynyrd Skynyrd at Simpleman 2011 (2).jpg → File:Robert Kearns at Simpleman 2011 (2).jpg File renaming criterion #2: Änderung komplett bedeutungsloser oder zweideutiger Namen...
29. prosinca 2015.
- 18:2618:26, 29. prosinca 2015. razl pov +33 m Visoki Dečani (GR) File renamed: File:Visoki Decani.JPG → File:Visoki Dečani, exterior view, Julian Nitzsche.jpg File renaming criterion #2: Änderung komplett bedeutungsloser oder zweideutiger Namen in sinnvolle...
11. prosinca 2015.
- 13:2713:27, 11. prosinca 2015. razl pov +4 m Povlačenje srpske vojske na Krf (GR) File renamed: File:Serbian army in Albania 1915.jpg → File:Serbian riflemen in Albania 1915.jpg File renaming criterion #2: Änderung komplett bedeutungsloser oder zweideutiger Namen in sinnvoll...
- 00:2700:27, 11. prosinca 2015. razl pov −1 m Roberto Baggio (GR) File renamed: File:Roberto Baggio - ACF Fiorentina 1985-1986.jpg → File:Roberto Baggio - AC Fiorentina 1985-1986.jpg File renaming criterion #3: Um offensichtliche Fehler im Dateinamen zu korrig...