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, Scaphiophryne , Scaphiophryninae (11 sp.) , Scaphiopodidae , Scaphiopodidae (7 sp.) , Scaphiopus

Scarthyla Duellman and de Sá, 1988 (2 sp.)

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Amphibia → Anura → Hylidae → Hylinae

Schismaderma Smith, 1849 (1 sp.)

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Amphibia → Anura → Bufonidae

Schistometopum Parker, 1941 (2 sp.)

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  1. Schistometopum gregorii (Boulenger, 1895)
  2. Schistometopum thomense (Bocage, 1873)

Amphibia → Gymnophiona → Dermophiidae

Scinax Wagler, 1830 (112 sp.)

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Amphibia → Anura → Hylidae → Hylinae , Scincosauridae † , Scincosaurus †

, Sclerocephalus † , Sclerothoracidae † , Sclerothorax Huene, 1932 †

  1. Crotaphatrema Nussbaum, 1985 (3 sp.)
  2. Scolecomorphus Boulenger, 1883 (3 sp.)

Amphibia → Gymnophiona

Scolecomorphus Boulenger, 1883

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  1. Scolecomorphus kirkii Boulenger, 1883
  2. Scolecomorphus uluguruensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
  3. Scolecomorphus vittatus (Boulenger, 1895)

Amphibia → Gymnophiona → Scolecomorphidae

Scotobleps Boulenger, 1900 (1 sp.)

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Amphibia → Anura → Arthroleptidae → Astylosterninae

Scutiger Theobald, 1868

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  1. Scutiger adungensis Dubois, 1979
  2. Scutiger bhutanensis Delorme & Dubois, 2001
  3. Scutiger boulengeri (Bedriaga, 1898)
  4. Scutiger brevipes (Liu, 1950)
  5. Scutiger chintingensis Liu & Hu, 1960
  6. Scutiger glandulatus (Liu, 1950)
  7. Scutiger gongshanensis Yang and Su In Yang, Su and Li, 1979
  8. Scutiger jiulongensis Fei, Ye & Jiang in Fei, Jiang, Ye & Cheng, 1995
  9. Scutiger liupanensis Huang, 1985
  10. Scutiger maculatus (Liu, 1950)
  11. Scutiger mammatus (Günther, 1896)
  12. Scutiger muliensis Fei & Ye, 1986
  13. Scutiger nepalensis Dubois, 1974
  14. Scutiger ningshanensis Fang, 1985
  15. Scutiger nyingchiensis Fei in Sichuan Institute of Biology Herpetology Department, 1977
  16. Scutiger pingwuensis Liu & Tian in Liu, Hu, Tian & Wu, 1978
  17. Scutiger sikimmensis (Blyth, 1855)
  18. Scutiger spinosus Jiang, Wang, Li, and Che, 2016
  19. Scutiger tuberculatus Liu & Fei in Liu, Hu & Fei, 1979
  20. Scutiger wanglangensis Ye and Fei, 2007
  21. Scutiger wuguanfui Jiang, Rao, Yuan, Wang, Li, Hou, Che, and Che, 2012

Amphibia → Anura → Megophryidae

Scythrophrys Lynch, 1971 (1 sp.)

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Amphibia → Anura → Leptodactylidae → Paratelmatobiinae


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