Dodatak:Popis vrsta:Att
Popis vrsta:At | |
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z | |
Aa • Ab •Ac • Ad • Ae • Af • Ag • Ah • Ai • Aj • Ak • Al • Am • An • Ao • Ap • Aq • Ar • As • At • Au • Av • Aw • Ax • Ay • Az | |
Ata • Ate • Ath • Ati • Atk • Atl • Atm • Ato • Atr • Att • Atu • Aty |
- Taksoni:
Atta , Attacobius , Attacta, , Attacus , Attagenus , Attagis , Attalea , Attalia , Attalister , Attamyces , Attaneuria , Attangus , Attaphila , Attarus , Attatha , Attavicinus , Attelabidae , Attelabus , Attelabus , Attellabus , Attemsia , Attemsiidae , Attemsobolus , Attemsodesmus , Attemsostreptus , Attenella , Attenuata , Attenuipyga , Attenuizomus , Atteria , Atteva , Attheya , Attheyaceae , Attheyella , Atthis , Atticola , Atticora , Attidops , Attila , Attiliosa , Attinopora , Attonda , Attonitus , Attopsis , Attus ,
- Atta bisphaerica Forel, 1908
- Atta capiguara Goncalves, 1944
- Atta cephalotes (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Atta columbica Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Atta dissimilis Jerdon, 1851
- Atta domicola Jerdon, 1851
- Atta goiana Goncalves, 1942
- Atta insularis Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Atta laevigata (Smith, 1858)
- Atta mexicana (Smith, 1858)
- Atta opaciceps Borgmeier, 1939
- Atta robusta Borgmeier, 1939
- Atta saltensis Forel, 1913
- Atta sexdens (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Atta silvae Goncalves, 1983
- Atta texana (Buckley, 1860)
- Atta vollenweideri Forel, 1893
Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Hymenoptera → Vespoidea → Formicidae
Attacobius Mello-Leitão, 1925
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attacobius attarum (Roewer, 1935) species
- Attacobius blakei Bonaldo & Brescovit, 2005
- Attacobius carranca Bonaldo & Brescovit, 2005
- Attacobius kitae Bonaldo & Brescovit, 2005
- Attacobius lamellatus Bonaldo & Brescovit, 2005
- Attacobius luederwaldti (Mello-Leitao, 1923)
- Attacobius nigripes (Mello-Leitao, 1942)
- Attacobius tucurui Bonaldo & Brescovit, 2005
- Attacobius uiriri Bonaldo & Brescovit, 2005
- Attacobius verhaaghi Bonaldo & Brescovit, 1998
Animalia → Arthropoda → Arachnida → Araneae → Corinnidae Attacta,
Attactagenus Tournier, 1876
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attactagenus albinus (Boheman, 1833)
- Attactagenus bulgaricus (Formanek, 1912)
- Attactagenus carinirostris (Boheman, 1840)
- Attactagenus ceballosi Viedma, 1965
- Attactagenus cordubensis (Kirsch, 1870)
- Attactagenus diecki (Tournier, 1874)
- Attactagenus dispar (Graells, 1858)
- Attactagenus hypocyanus (Boheman, 1833)
- Attactagenus marmoratus Flach, K., 1907
- Attactagenus moralesi Viedma, 1965
- Attactagenus plumbeus (Marsham, 1802)
- Attactagenus pyriformis (Boheman, 1833)
- Attactagenus spinipes (Perez-Arcas, 1872)
- Attactagenus tarsalis (Tournier, 1874)
- Attactagenus zarateae Viedma, 1965
- Attactagenus zaratei Viedma, 1965
Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae
- Attacus atlas Linnaeus, 1758 najveća vrsta moljca na svijetu; površina krila 400 cm²
- Attacus auranticus Rothschild, 1895
- Attacus auranticus atlantis Strand, 1913
- Attacus crameri Felder, 1861
- Attacus crameri caesar Maassen & Weymer, 1872
- Attacus crameri inopinatus Juriaanse & Lindemans, 1920
- Attacus crameri lorquinii Felder, 1861
- Attacus dohertyi Rothschild, 1985
- Attacus dohertyi dammermani Roepke, 1953
- Attacus dohertyi soembanus van Eecke, 1933
- Attacus dohertyi wardi Rothschild, 1910
- Attacus erebus Fruhstorfer, 1904
- Attacus lemairei Peigler, 1985
- Attacus paraliae Peigler, 1985
- Attacus taprobanis Linnaeus, 1758
Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Lepidoptera → Bombycoidea → Saturniidae Attagenus ,
- Attagis gayi I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Lesson, 1831
- Attagis gayi gayi I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Lesson, 1831
- Attagis gayi latreillii Lesson, 1831
- Attagis gayi simonsi Chubb, 1918
- Attagis malouinus (Boddaert, 1783)
Animalia → Chordata → Aves → Charadriiformes → Thinocoridae
- Attalea allenii H.E.Moore
- Attalea amygdalina Kunth
- Attalea amylacea (Barb.Rodr.) Zona
- Attalea anisitsiana (Barb.Rodr.) Zona
- Attalea apoda Burret
- Attalea attaleoides (Barb.Rodr.) Wess.Boer
- Attalea barreirensis Glassman
- Attalea bassleriana (Burret) Zona
- Attalea blepharopus Mart.
- Attalea boehmii Drude
- Attalea brasiliensis Glassman
- Attalea brejinhoensis (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea burretiana Bondar
- Attalea butyracea (Mutis ex L.f.) Wess.Boer
- Attalea camopiensis (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea cephalotus Poepp. ex Mart.
- Attalea ceraensis Barb.Rodr.
- Attalea cohune Mart.
- Attalea colenda (O.F.Cook) Balslev & A.J.Hend.
- Attalea compta Mart.
- Attalea coronata Lodd. ex H.Wendl.
- Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Burret
- Attalea cuatrecasana (Dugand) A.J.Hend., Galeano & R.Bernal
- Attalea dahlgreniana (Bondar) Wess.Boer
- Attalea degranvillei (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea dubia (Mart.) Burret
- Attalea eichleri (Drude) A.J.Hend.
- Attalea exigua Drude
- Attalea fairchildensis (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea funifera Mart.
- Attalea geraensis Barb.Rodr.
- Attalea grandis Hort. ex H.Wendl.
- Attalea guacuyule (Liebm. ex Mart.) Zona
- Attalea guianensis (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea hoehnei Burret
- Attalea huebneri (Burret) Zona
- Attalea humilis Mart. ex Spreng.
- Attalea iguadummat de Nevers
- Attalea insignis (Mart.) Drude
- Attalea kewensis (Hook.f.) Zona
- Attalea lapidea Burret
- Attalea lauromuelleriana (Barb.Rodr.) Zona
- Attalea lauromulleriana (Barb.Rodr.) Zona
- Attalea leandroana (Barb.Rodr.) Zona
- Attalea limbata Seem. ex H.Wendl.
- Attalea luetzelburgii (Burret) Wess.Boer
- Attalea macrolepis (Burret) Wess.Boer
- Attalea magdalenae Linden
- Attalea magdalenica (Dugand) Zona
- Attalea manaca Linden
- Attalea maracaibensis Mart.
- Attalea maripa (Aubl.) Mart.
- Attalea maripensis (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea microcarpa Mart.
- Attalea microclada Burret
- Attalea minarum (Balick, A.B.Anderson & Med.-Costa) Zona
- Attalea moorei (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea nucifera H.Karst.
- Attalea oleifera Barb.Rodr.
- Attalea osmantha (Barb.Rodr.) Wess.Boer
- Attalea peruviana Zona
- Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng.
- Attalea piassabossu Bondar
- Attalea pindobassu Bondar
- Attalea plowmanii (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea princeps Mart.
- Attalea purpurea Linden
- Attalea puruensis Linden
- Attalea racemosa Spruce
- Attalea rhynchocarpa Burret
- Attalea rossii Lodd. ex Loudon
- Attalea rostrata Oerst.
- Attalea salazarii (Glassman) Zona
- Attalea salvadorensis Glassman
- Attalea seabrensis Glassman
- Attalea septuagenata Dugand
- Attalea speciosa Mart.
- Attalea spectabilis Mart.
- Attalea spinosa Meyen
- Attalea teixeirana (Bondar) Zona
- Attalea tessmannii Burret
- Attalea texeirana (Bondar) Zona
- Attalea tiasse Linden
- Attalea venatorum Mart.
- Attalea vitrivir Zona
- Attalea voeksii Noblick ex Glassman
- Attalea weberbaueri (Burret) Zona
- Attalea wesselsboeri (Glassman) Zona
Plantae > Magnoliophyta > Liliopsida > Arecales > Arecaceae
Attalea maripa
Attalia , Attalister ,
- Attamyces bromatificus Kreisel, 1972
Fungi > Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Agaricales > Agaricaceae Attaneuria ,
- Attangus caudalis Casey, T.L., 1922
- Attangus glabratus Hustache, A., 1938
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Curculionidae
- Attaphila aptera Bolivar, 1905
- Attaphila bergi Bolívar, 1901
- Attaphila flava Gurney, 1937
- Attaphila fungicola Wheeler, 1900
- Attaphila schuppi Bolivar, 1905
- Attaphila sexdentis Bolivar, 1905
- Attaphila sexdeutis Bolívar, 1905
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Blattodea > Blaberoidea > Blattellidae
- Attarus castus Broun, 1909
- Attarus tristis Broun, 1909
- Attarus vestitus Broun, 1909
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Curculionidae Attatha , Attavicinus ,
Attelabidae , Attelabus , Attelabus , Attellabus , Attemsia , Attemsiidae , Attemsobolus , Attemsodesmus , Attemsostreptus , Attenella , Attenuata , Attenuipyga , Attenuizomus , Atteria , Atteva ,
Attelabidae Billberg, 1820
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Rodovi: Alleuscelus, Anisolabus, Apoderus, Archolabus, Attelabus, Centrocorynus, Chyphus, Clinolabus, Clitostylus, Cycnotrachelus, Cyphus, Echinapoderus, Emphyleuscelus, Euops, Euscelophilus, Euscelus, Henicolabus, Heterolabus, Himatolabus, Homoeolabus, Hoplapoderus, Hybolabus, Iseuscelus, Isolabus, Lagenoderus, Lamprolabus, Mesitinus, Metriotrachelus, Omolabus, Paracycnotrachelus, Paramecolabus, Parapoderus, Paratomapoderus, Paratrachelophorus, Paroplapoderus, Phialodes, Phyletobius, Phymatapoderus, Phymatolabus, Phymatopsinus, Pilolabus, Plassoderinus, Pleurolabus, Pseudoscotopsinus, Rhamnapoderus, Rhinomacer, Scotopsinus, Synechops, Tomapoderus, Trachelolabus, Trachelophoridius, Trachelophorus, Xestolabus
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea
- Attelabus bipustulatus Fabricius, 1776
- Attelabus nigripes LeConte, 1824
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Attelabidae
- Attelabus maculipes Villa & Villa, 1833
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Curculionidae
- Attellabus populi Schrank, 1789
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Curculionidae
- Attemsia coniuncta Strasser, 1939
- Attemsia dolinensis Verhoeff, 1910
- Attemsia falcifera Verhoeff, 1899
- Attemsia likana Strasser, 1966
- Attemsia meerausi Verhoeff, 1931
- Attemsia pretneri Strasser, 1933
- Attemsia stygia (Latzel, 1884)
Animalia > Arthropoda > Diplopoda > Chordeumatida > Attemsiidae
Attemsobolus Verhoeff, 1924
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attemsobolus bivittatus Verhoeff, 1924
Animalia > Arthropoda > Diplopoda > Spirobolida > Spirobolellidae
Attemsodesmus Lawrence, 1953
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attemsodesmus minutus Lawrence, 1953
Animalia > Arthropoda > Diplopoda > Polydesmida > Pyrgodesmidae
Attemsostreptus Verhoeff, 1940
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attemsostreptus costatus Verhoeff, 1941
- Attemsostreptus orobius (Kraus, 1958)
Animalia > Arthropoda > Diplopoda > Spirostreptida > Spirostreptidae
†Attenosaurus Aldrich and Jones 1930
[uredi | uredi kôd]- †Attenosaurus indistinctus Aldrich and Jones 1930
- †Attenosaurus subulensis Thurmond and Jones 1981
Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Anthracosauria
- Attenuata affinis (Powell, 1940)
- Attenuata archensis (May, 1913)
- Attenuata bollonsi (Powell, 1930)
- Attenuata cochlearella (Powell, 1937)
- Attenuata contigua (Powell, 1940)
- Attenuata finlayi (Powell, 1930)
- Attenuata hinemoa (Fleming, 1948)
- Attenuata integella (Hedley, 1904)
- Attenuata lockyeri (Hedley, 1911)
- Attenuata manawatawhia (Powell, 1937)
- Attenuata merelina (Dell, 1956)
- Attenuata praetornatalis (Hedley, 1912)
- Attenuata praetornatilis (Hedley, 1912)
- Attenuata regis (Powell, 1940)
- Attenuata schoutanica (May, 1913)
- Attenuata wilsonensis (Gatliff & Gabriel, 1913)
Animalia > Mollusca > Gastropoda > Neotaenioglossa > Rissoidae
Attenuizomus Harvey, 2000
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attenuizomus baroalba Harvey, 2000
- Attenuizomus cuttacutta Harvey, 2000
- Attenuizomus mainae (Harvey, 1992)
- Attenuizomus radon Harvey, 2000
Animalia → Arthropoda → Arachnida → Schizomida → Hubbardioidea → Hubbardiidae
Attheya , Attheyaceae , Attheyella , Atthis ,
Attheyella Brady, 1880
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attheyella aculeata Jakobi, 1959
- Attheyella africana Brady, 1907
- Attheyella alaskaensis Wilson M.S., 1958
- Attheyella aliena Noodt, 1956
- Attheyella alta Shen & Sung, 1965
- Attheyella americana (Herrick, 1884)
- Attheyella amurensis Borutsky, 1936
- Attheyella antillica Petkovski, 1973
- Attheyella arctica (Lilljeborg, 1902)
- Attheyella arequipensis Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella asymetrica Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella australica Sars, 1908
- Attheyella baikalensis Borutzky, 1931
- Attheyella bennetti (Brehm, 1928)
- Attheyella biarticulata Löffler, 1962
- Attheyella bicolor Wilson, 1932 synonym
- Attheyella bidens (Schmeil, 1893)
- Attheyella borutzkyi Smirnov, 1930
- Attheyella brasiliana Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella brasiliensis Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella brehmi (Keifer, 1929)
- Attheyella broiensis Reid, 1994
- Attheyella bromelicola Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella bryobiota Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella bullata Ebert & Noodt, 1975
- Attheyella byblis Chang & H.S. Kim, 1992
- Attheyella calamensis Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella camposi Ebert & Noodt, 1975
- Attheyella capensis Rhue, 1914
- Attheyella carolinensis Chappuis, 1932
- Attheyella caroliniana Coker, 1926
- Attheyella chilensis Ebert & Noodt, 1975
- Attheyella chocoensis Gaviria & Defaye, 2012
- Attheyella ciliata Löffler, 1962
- Attheyella cingalensis Brady, 1886
- Attheyella clavigera Harding, 1955
- Attheyella coiffaiti Chappuis, 1958
- Attheyella cordillierica Dussart, 1984
- Attheyella coreana Miura, 1969
- Attheyella coronata Sars G.O., 1904
- Attheyella crassa (G. O. Sars, 1863)
- Attheyella crenulata (Mrázek, 1901)
- Attheyella cryptorum Brady, 1880
- Attheyella curacautensis Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella cuspidata (Schmeil, 1893)
- Attheyella dadayi (Chappuis, 1924)
- Attheyella decorata (Daday, 1901)
- Attheyella dentata (Poggenpol, 1874)
- Attheyella derelicta (Brian, 1927)
- Attheyella dogieli (Rylov, 1923)
- Attheyella duthiei Scott T., 1896
- Attheyella ekmani Kiefer, 1933 synonym
- Attheyella elaphoides Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella ensifer (Delachaux, 1918)
- Attheyella farellonensis Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella ferox (Delachaux, 1918)
- Attheyella fimbriata (Brehm, 1950)
- Attheyella fluviatalis Lewis M.H., 1972 synonym
- Attheyella fluviatilis Chappuis, 1931
- Attheyella fluviatillis Chappuis, 1931
- Attheyella freyi Löffler, 1963
- Attheyella frigida Willey, 1925
- Attheyella fuhrmanni (Thiebaud, 1914)
- Attheyella gessneri Chappuis, 1956
- Attheyella gladkovi Borutsky, 1952
- Attheyella godeti (Delachaux, 1917)
- Attheyella goeldii Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella gracilis (Sars G.O., 1863)
- Attheyella grandidieri (Guerne & Richard, 1893)
- Attheyella guyanensis (Delachaux, 1923)
- Attheyella hannae (Kiefer, 1926)
- Attheyella heterospina Shen & Tai, 1964
- Attheyella hirsuta Chappuis, 1951
- Attheyella horvathi (Chappuis, 1924)
- Attheyella huaronensis (Delachaux, 1918)
- Attheyella humidarum Lewis M.H., 1972
- Attheyella idahoensis (Marsh, 1903)
- Attheyella ilami Dumont & Maas, 1988
- Attheyella illinoisensis (S. A. Forbes, 1882)
- Attheyella incae (Brehm, 1936)
- Attheyella incerta (Brehm, 1950)
- Attheyella inconstans Harding, 1955
- Attheyella inopinata Chappuis, 1931
- Attheyella insignis (Delachaux, 1917)
- Attheyella jureiae Por & Hadel, 1986
- Attheyella kalima (Delachaux, 1924)
- Attheyella koenigi Pesta, 1928
- Attheyella koepkei Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella laciniata Ebert & Noodt, 1975
- Attheyella lacustris Chappuis, 1931
- Attheyella lanata (Mrázek, 1901)
- Attheyella lanceolata (Delachaux, 1918)
- Attheyella levigata Löffler, 1962
- Attheyella lewisae Wells, 2007
- Attheyella macandrewae Scott T. & A., 1895
- Attheyella maorica (Brehm, 1928)
- Attheyella marina Gurney, 1927
- Attheyella maxima (Delachaux, 1918)
- Attheyella meridionalis Dussart, 1982
- Attheyella mervini Janetzky, Martínez Arbizu & Reid, 1996
- Attheyella minuta Chappuis, 1931
- Attheyella mongoliana Shen & Chang, 1966
- Attheyella montana Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella morimotoi Miura, 1962
- Attheyella multisetosa Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella multispinosa Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella muscicola (Chappuis, 1928)
- Attheyella nakaii (Brehm, 1927)
- Attheyella naphtalica Por, 1983
- Attheyella natalis Brady, 1904
- Attheyella nebulosa Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella nepalensis Löffler, 1968
- Attheyella nivalis Willey, 1925 synonym
- Attheyella noodti Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella nordenskioldi (Lilljeborg, 1902)
- Attheyella nordenskioldii (Lilljeborg, 1902)
- Attheyella northumbrica (Brady, 1880) synonym
- Attheyella northumbricoides Willey, 1925
- Attheyella nuda Löffler, 1962
- Attheyella obatogamensis (Willey, 1925)
- Attheyella oculata Löffler, 1963
- Attheyella oculta (Kiefer, 1926)
- Attheyella orientalis Chappuis, 1929
- Attheyella orinocoensis Dussart, 1984
- Attheyella ornata Löffler, 1962
- Attheyella osmana (Kiefer, 1955)
- Attheyella palustris (Brady, 1880)
- Attheyella paranaphtalica Pesce & Galassi, 1988
- Attheyella paucisetosa Chang & H.S. Kim, 1992
- Attheyella pauliani (Chappuis, 1954)
- Attheyella peruana Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella phytobiotica Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella pichilafquensis Löffler, 1961
- Attheyella picola Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella pilagaensis Janetzky, Martínez Arbizu & Reid, 1996
- Attheyella pilosa Chappuis, 1929
- Attheyella propinqua Scott T., 1893
- Attheyella pygmaea (Sars G.O., 1863)
- Attheyella quatuorspinosa Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella quillehuensis Löffler, 1961
- Attheyella quinquespinosa Shen & Tai, 1964
- Attheyella reducta Chappuis, 1958
- Attheyella rhaetica (Schmeil, 1893)
- Attheyella richardi (Lowndes, 1934)
- Attheyella rotoruensis Lewis M.H., 1972
- Attheyella ruttneri Chappuis, 1931
- Attheyella salvadorica Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella salvatoris (Brehm, 1950)
- Attheyella salviniae Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella sancarlensis (Rocha O. & Matsumura-Tundisi, 1976)
- Attheyella santaremensis Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella schindleri Kiefer, 1957
- Attheyella schmeili (Mrázek, 1893) synonym
- Attheyella septemarticulata Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella serrata Löffler, 1962
- Attheyella silvestris Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella silvicola Löffler, 1973
- Attheyella singalensis Brady, 1886
- Attheyella siolii (Kiefer, 1967)
- Attheyella sphagnobiotica Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella spinipes J. W. Reid, 1987
- Attheyella spinosa Brady, 1880
- Attheyella stachanovi Borutsky, 1952
- Attheyella stillicidarum Lewis M.H., 1972
- Attheyella striblingi (Reid, 1990)
- Attheyella subarctica Willey, 1925
- Attheyella subdola Jakobi, 1959
- Attheyella tasmaniae Chappuis, 1951
- Attheyella tetraspinosa Chang, 1993
- Attheyella triangulata Ebert, 1976
- Attheyella trigonura (Ekman, 1905)
- Attheyella trispinosa (Brady, 1880)
- Attheyella ussuriensis Rylov, 1933
- Attheyella vera Por & Hadel, 1986
- Attheyella vietnamica Borutsky, 1967
- Attheyella vivianii Ebert & Noodt, 1975
- Attheyella vulmeroides Borutzky, 1930
- Attheyella warreni Brady, 1913
- Attheyella weigoldi (Brehm, 1923)
- Attheyella wiegoldi (Brehm, 1923)
- Attheyella wierzejskii (Mrázek, 1893)
- Attheyella wieseri Rouch, 1962
- Attheyella willeyi Kiefer, 1929
- Attheyella wulmeri (Kerherve, 1914)
- Attheyella wulmeroides Borutsky, 1931
- Attheyella yemanjae Reid, 1994
- Attheyella yesoensis Ishida, 1993
- Attheyella yunnanensis Shen & Tai, 1979
- Attheyella zschokkei (Schmeil, 1893)
Animalia > Arthropoda > Maxillopoda > Harpacticoida > Canthocamptidae >
- Atthis ellioti Ridgway, 1878
- Atthis heloisa (Lesson & Delattre, 1839)
Animalia → Chordata → Aves → Apodiformes → Trochilidae
Atticola , Atticora , Attidops , Attila , Attiliosa , Attinopora ,
- Atticola mortoni Bolivar, 1905
Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Blattodea > Blaberoidea > Blattellidae
- Atticora fasciata (J. F. Gmelin, 1789)
- Atticora leucosternon Gould, 1842
- Atticora melanoleuca (Wied-Neuwied, 1820)
- Atticora pileata
- Atticora tibialis
Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Passeriformes > Hirundinidae
- Attidops cinctipes (Banks, 1900)
- Attidops cutleri Edwards, 1999
- Attidops nickersoni Edwards, 1999
- Attidops youngi (Peckham, Peckham, 1888)
Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Salticidae
- Attila bolivianus Lafresnaye, 1848
- Attila cinnamomeus (Gmelin, 1789)
- Attila citriniventris P. L. Sclater, 1859
- Attila flammulatus Lafresnaye, 1848
- Attila phoenicurus Pelzeln, 1868
- Attila rufus (Vieillot, 1819)
- Attila spadiceus (Gmelin, 1789)
- Attila torridus P. L. Sclater, 1860
Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Passeriformes > Tyrannidae
- Attiliosa aldridgei (Nowell-Usticke, 1969)
- Attiliosa bessei Vokes, 1999
- Attiliosa bozzettii Houart, 1993
- Attiliosa caledonica (Jousseaume, 1881)
- Attiliosa edingeri Houart, 1998
- Attiliosa glenduffyi Petuch, 1993
- Attiliosa goreensis Houart, 1993
- Attiliosa houarti Vokes, 1999
- Attiliosa kevani Vokes, 1999
- Attiliosa nodulifera (G.B. Sowerby II, 1841)
- Attiliosa nodulosa (A. Adams, 1855)
- Attiliosa orri (Cernohorsky, 1976)
- Attiliosa perplexa Vokes, 1999
- Attiliosa philippiana (Dall, 1889)
- Attiliosa ruthae Houart, 1996
Attinopora Boardman, Taylor & McKinney, 1992
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Attinopora zealandica (Mantell, 1850)
Animalia > Bryozoa > Stenolaemata > Cyclostomatida > Cinctiporidae
Attonda , Attonitus , Attopsis ,
- Attonitus bounites Vari & Ortega, 2000
- Attonitus ephimeros Vari & Ortega, 2000
- Attonitus irisae Vari & Ortega, 2000
Animalia > Chordata > Actinopterygii > Characiformes > Characidae
- Attus albibreviatus Walckenaer, 1837
- Attus albosignatus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus anjuanus Butler, 1879
- Attus annulatus Giebel, 1870
- Attus aquilis Urquhart, 1886
- Attus auratus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus beneficus Pickard-Cambridge O., 1885
- Attus bonairensis Hasselt, 1887
- Attus cabanisi Taczanowski, 1872
- Attus cayanus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus comptus Bösenberg, Lenz, 1894
- Attus cooki Walckenaer, 1837
- Attus devotus Pickard-Cambridge O., 1885
- Attus dryocopinus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus effigies Pickard-Cambridge O., 1876
- Attus flavicruris Rainbow, 1897
- Attus hispidus Bösenberg, Lenz, 1894
- Attus infuscatus Peckham, Peckham, 1896
- Attus johannae Butler, 1879
- Attus kraali Thorell, 1878
- Attus mandibularis Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus marmottani Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus maronicus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus mendicus Pickard-Cambridge O., 1876
- Attus miniaceus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus minutus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus monticulus Urquhart, 1891
- Attus montinus Urquhart, 1891
- Attus ocellosus Walckenaer, 1837
- Attus olivascens Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus ornatus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus paederinus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus perogaster Thorell, 1881
- Attus platycephalus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus pullus Urquhart, 1890
- Attus quadriguttatus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus radoszkowskii Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus ruficeps Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus salutanus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus scindus Urquhart, 1890
- Attus sericeus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus subfuscus Urquhart, 1887
- Attus tenebrosus Urquhart, 1893
- Attus tenuis Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus tricinctus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus uassanus Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus valentulus Urquhart, 1891
- Attus verrauxi Taczanowski, 1871
- Attus vulpinus Westring, 1851
Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Salticidae