Dodatak:Popis bakterija, L
, Labrys , Laceyella , Lachnobacterium , Lachnospira , Lachnospiraceae , Lacinutrix , Lactobacillaceae , Lactobacillales , Lactobacillus , Lactococcus , Lactovum , Lamprobacter , Lamprocystis , Lampropedia , Laribacter , Larkinella , Lautropia , Lawsonia
, Leadbetterella , Lebetimonas , Lechevalieria , Leclercia , Leeuwenhoekiella , Legionella , Legionellaceae , Legionellales
Leibleinia (Gomont) L. Hoffmann, 1985
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Leibleinia aeruginea (N.L.Gardner) Anagnostidis
- Leibleinia angusta (Yoneda) Anagnostidis & Komárek
- Leibleinia calothrichicola (J.J.Copeland) Anagnostidis & Komárek
- Leibleinia edaphica J.R.Johansen & Flechtner
- Leibleinia epiphytica (Hieronymus) Compère
- Leibleinia gracilis (Rabenhorst ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek
- Leibleinia hoffmannii (C.Agardh) Kützing ex Gomont
- Leibleinia inconspicua (Skuja) Anagnostidis & Komárek
- Leibleinia kryloviana (Popova & Degtereva) Anagnostidis & Komárek
- Leibleinia littoralis P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan ex Gomont
- Leibleinia porphyrosiphonis (Frémy) Anagnostidis & Komárek
- Leibleinia subtilis (Holden) Anagnostidis & Komárek
Bacteria → Cyanobacteria → Cyanophyceae → Oscillatoriales → Phormidiaceae , Leifsonia , Leisingera , Leminorella , Lentibacillus , Lentisphaera , Lentisphaeraceae , Lentisphaerae , Lentisphaerae , Lentisphaerales , Lentzea , Leptolinea , Leptonema , Leptospira , Leptospiraceae , Leptospirillum , Leptothrix , Leptotrichia , Leucobacter , Leuconostoc , Leuconostocaceae , Leucothrix , Levilinea , Levinea , Lewinella
, Liberibacter , Limnobacter , Listeria , Listeriaceae , Listonella
, Loktanella , Lonepinella , Longispora
, Luteibacter , Luteimonas , Luteococcus , Lutibacter
Lysobacter Christensen & Cook, 1978 emend. Park et al., 2008
[uredi | uredi kôd]- Lysobacter antibioticus Christensen and Cook, 1978
- Lysobacter brunescens Christensen and Cook, 1978
- Lysobacter bugurensis Zhang et al., 2011
- Lysobacter capsici Park et al., 2008
- Lysobacter concretionis Bae et al., 2005
- Lysobacter daejeonensis Weon et al., 2006
- Lysobacter defluvii Yassin et al., 2007
- Lysobacter dokdonensis Oh et al., 2011
- Lysobacter enzymogenes Christensen and Cook, 1978
- Lysobacter enzymogenes cookii Christensen and Cook, 1978
- Lysobacter enzymogenes enzymogenes Christensen and Cook, 1978
- Lysobacter ginsengisoli Jung et al., 2011
- Lysobacter gummosus Christensen and Cook, 1978
- Lysobacter koreensis Lee et al., 2006
- Lysobacter korlensis Zhang et al., 2011
- Lysobacter niabensis Weon et al., 2007
- Lysobacter niastensis Weon et al., 2007
- Lysobacter oryzae Aslam et al., 2009
- Lysobacter panaciterrae Ten et al., 2009
- Lysobacter ruishenii Wang et al., 2011
- Lysobacter soli Srinivasan et al., 2010
- Lysobacter spongiicola Romanenko et al., 2008
- Lysobacter ximonensis Wang et al., 2009
- Lysobacter xinjiangensis Liu et al., 2011
- Lysobacter yangpyeongensis Weon et al., 2006
Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Gammaproteobacteria → Xanthomonadales → Xanthomonadaceae
- Lyticum flagellatum (ex Preer et al. 1974) Preer and Preer 1982
- Lyticum sinuosum (ex Preer et al. 1974) Preer and Preer 1982
Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria → Rickettsiales