At San Quentin
At San Quentin | ||||
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Johnny Cash (live album) | ||||
Žanr | country | |||
Objavljen | 4. lipnja 1969. | |||
Snimanje | 24. veljače 1969. | |||
Trajanje | 59:06 (reizdanje) | |||
Izdavač | Columbia Records | |||
Producent(i) | Bob Johnston (originalno izdanje) Bob Irwin (reizdanje) | |||
Recenzije | ||||
Kronologija albuma – Johnny Cash | ||||
At San Quentin je live koncert Johnnyja Casha pred zatvorenicima u Državnom zatvoru San Quentin. Osim što je objavljen kao album, snimala ga je i Granada Television.
Na originalnom LP izdanju, redoslijed pjesama je promijenjen, a nekoliko pjesma je skraćeno, vjerojatno zbog nedostatka prostora. Unatoč naslovu na CD izdanju iz 2000., na njemu ne postoji cijeli koncert, ali sadrži neke dodatne pjesme i redoslijed koji odgovara stvarnoj set listi. Pjesme koje su izvedene, ali ne i objavljene su "Jackson" i "Orange Blossom Special". Ipak, uključene su u video izdanje koncerta.
Legacy Recordings je 2006. objavio luksuzno izdanje koncerta nazvano At San Quentin - Legacy Edition. U box-setu su se našla dva CD-a s 31 pjesmom, od kojih 13 prije nije bilo objavljeno, uz DVD s originalnim dokumentarcem. Postoje i iskreni intervjui sa zatvorenicima i stražarima koji su bili prisutni za vrijeme snimanja Johnny Cash Showa.
- Strana 1
- "Wanted Man" (Bob Dylan)
- "Wreck of the Old 97"* (aranžman: Cash, Bob Johnston, Norman Blake)
- "I Walk the Line"
- "Darling Companion" (John Sebastian)
- "Starkville City Jail"
- Strana 2
- "San Quentin"
- "San Quentin"
- "A Boy Named Sue" (Shel Silverstein)
- "(There'll Be) Peace in the Valley" (Thomas A. Dorsey)
- "Folsom Prison Blues"
- "Big River" – 1:56
- "I Still Miss Someone" (J. Cash, Roy Cash Jr.) – 1:52
- "Wreck of the Old 97"* (aranžman: Cash, Johnston, Blake) – 2:05
- "I Walk the Line" – 3:29
- "Darlin' Companion" (Sebastian) – 3:21
- "I Don't Know Where I'm Bound" (T. Cuttie) – 2:24
- "Starkville City Jail" – 6:15
- "San Quentin" – 4:07
- "San Quentin" – 3:13
- "Wanted Man" (Dylan) – 3:24
- "A Boy Named Sue" (Silverstein) – 3:59
- "(There'll Be) Peace in the Valley" (Dorsey) – 2:30
- "Folsom Prison Blues" – 4:24
- "Ring of Fire" (June Carter, Merle Kilgore) – 2:07
- "He Turned the Water Into Wine" – 4:01
- "Daddy Sang Bass" (Carl Perkins) – 2:43
- "The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago" (L.R. Dalton) – 2:16
- "Closing Medley: Folsom Prison Blues/I Walk the Line/Ring of Fire/The Rebel-Johnny Yuma" (Cash)/(Cash)/(Carter, Kilgore)/(R. Markowitz, A. Fenady) – 5:08
- Disk 1
- 1. "Blue Suede Shoes" (Carl Perkins) - 3:52
- 2. "Flowers On The Wall" - 3:27
- 3. "The Last Thing on My Mind" (Tom Paxton) - 3:34
- 4. "June Carter Cash Talks To The Audience" - 2:41
- 5. "Wildwood Flower" (Maud Irving, Joseph Philbrick Webster) - 3:49
Johnny Cash
- 6. "Big River" - 1:43
- 7. "I Still Miss Someone" - 1:50
- 8. "Wreck of the Old 97"* (aranžman: Cash, Johnston, Blake) - 3:24
- 9. "I Walk the Line" - 2:28
- 10. "Medley: The Long Black Veil/Give My Love To Rose" (Danny Dill, Marijohn Wilkin) - 4:06
- 11. "Folsom Prison Blues" - 3:00
- 12. "Orange Blossom Special" (Ervin T. Rouse) - 3:03
Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash i Carl Perkins
- 13. "Jackson" (Jerry Leiber, Billy Edd Wheeler) - 3:23
- 14. "Darlin' Companion" (Sebastian) - 2:24
The Carter Family i Carl Perkins
- 15. "Break My Mind" - 2:56
Johnny Cash i Carl Perkins
- 16. "I Don't Know Where I'm Bound" - 5:14
- 17. "Starkville City Jail" - 3:32
- Disk 2
- 1. "San Quentin" - 4:09
- 2. "San Quentin" - 3:13
- 3. "Wanted Man" (Dylan) - 3:29
Carl Perkins
- 4. "Restless" (Perkins) - 3:54
Johnny Cash i Carl Perkins
- 5. "A Boy Named Sue" - 3:45
- 6. "Blistered" - 1:46
Johnny Cash, The Carter Family i Carl Perkins
- 7. "(There'll Be) Peace in the Valley" (Dorsey) - 3:14
Carl Perkins
- 8. "The Outside Looking In" - 3:00
The Statler Brothers & Carl Perkins
- 9. "Less Of Me" - 2:45
Johnny Cash, The Carter Family i Carl Perkins
- 10. "Ring Of Fire" (Carter, Kilgore) - 2:07
Johnny Cash, The Carter Family, The Statler Brothers i Carl Perkins
- 11. "He Turned The Water Into Wine" - 4:01
- 12. "Daddy Sang Bass" - 2:43
- 13. "The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago" (Dalton) - 2:16
- 14. "Closing Medley: Folsom Prison Blues (June Carter Cash)/I Walk The Line (The Carter Family)/Ring Of Fire (The Statler Brothers)/Folsom Prison Blues (Carl Perkins)/The Rebel - Johnny Yuma (Johnny Cash)/Folsom Prison Blues (Johnny Cash)" - 5:08
- Disk 3 (DVD)
- Originalni dokumentarac iz 1969. koji je producirala Granada TV 1969. bilježi Cashov povijesni koncert uz maksimalnu razinu zaštite. Uključuje materijal s koncerta i izrezanu izvedbu hita "A Boy Named Sue". Sadrži i pojedinačne intervjue s nekoliko stražara i zatvorenika koji govore o svojim iskustvima iza rešetaka. (Trajanje: oko 60 minuta)
- Johnny Cash - vokali, gitara
- June Carter Cash - vokali
- Carter Family - vokali
- Marshall Grant - bas
- W.S. Holland - bubnjevi
- Carl Perkins - električna gitara
- Bob Wootton - električna gitara
- The Statler Brothers - vokali
Album - Američke Billboard ljestvice
Godina | Ljestvica | Pozicija |
1969. | Country albumi | 1 |
1969. | Pop albumi | 1 |
Singlovi - Američke Billboard ljestvice
Godina | Singl | Ljestvica | Pozicija |
1969. | "A Boy Named Sue" | Country singlovi | 1 |
1969. | "A Boy Named Sue" | Pop singlovi | 2 |
- Cash, Johnny, (2000.) Johnny Cash At San Quentin: bilješke s omota. New York: Sony/Columbia/Legacy.