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Amasis I.

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Reljef Ahmosis I koji se čuva u Brooklynskom muzeju

Amasis I ili Ahmose (nekad nazvan Amozis I što znači Mjesec je rođen) je bio faraon Drevnog Egipta i osnivač Osamnaeste dinastije. Bio je član tebanske kraljevske kuće, sin faraona Seqenenre Taa II i brat posljednjeg faraona Sedamnaeste dinastije, kralja Kamosea. Za vrijeme vladavine njegovog djeda ili oca, Tebanci su se pobunili protiv Hiksa, vladara Donjeg Egipta. Otac mu je ubijen kada mu je bilo samo sedam godina,[1] a imao je deset godina kada mu je brat umro od nepoznatih uzroka, poslije vladavine duge tri godine. Ahmose I je formalno preuzeo prijestolje nakon smrti brata,[2] a po krunidbi uzeo ime Neb-pehty-re (Gospodar snage je Re).

Za vrijeme svoje vladavine dovršio je osvajački/oslobodilački pohod koji je rezultirao istjerivanjem Hiksa iz oblasti Delte, ponovno uspostavio tebansku vlast nad cijelim Egiptom i uspješno nametnuo egipatsku vlast nad bivšim vazalnim teritorijama u Nubiji i Kanaanu.[3] Potom je reorganizirao državnu upravu, ponovno otvorio kamenolome, rudnike i trgovačke rute te pokrenuo velike građevinske projekte kojih nije bilo od vremena Srednjeg kraljevstva. Ovaj građevinski program rezultirao je gradnjom posljednje piramide koju su dali sagraditi domaći egipatski vladari. Ahmoseova vladavina postavila je temelje Novog kraljevstva, pod kojim je Egipat doživio vrhunac. Vladavina mu se obično datira u razdoblje između 1550.1525. pr. Kr.


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  1. Shaw, Ian. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. p. 199. Oxford University Press, 2000.
  2. Grimal, Nicolas. A History of Ancient Egypt. p. 192. Librairie Arthéme Fayard, 1988.
  3. Grimal, Nicolas. A History of Ancient Egypt p. 194. Librairie Arthéme Fayard, 1988.


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  • Breasted, James Henry. Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. II University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1906. ISBN 90-04-12989-8.
  • Catalogue Gènèral 34001, Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
  • Clayton, Peter. Chronicle of the Pharaohs, Thames and Hudson Ltd, paperback 2006.
  • Cooney, J. D. Glass Sculpture in Ancient Egypt. Journal of Glass Studies 2 vol. 11, 1960.
  • Dodson, Aidan. Crown Prince Djhutmose and the Royal Sons of the Eighteenth Dynasty The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, vol. 76, 1990.
  • Dodson, Aidan. Dyan, Hilton. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt Thames & Hudson, 2004. ISBN 0-500-05128-3.
  • Edna R. Russman et al. Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum. 2001. ISBN 0-520-23086-8.
  • Gardiner, Alan (Sir). Egypt of the Pharaohs, Oxford University Press, 1964. ISBN 0-19-500267-9
  • Gordon, Andrew H. A Glass Bead of Ahmose and Amenhotep I. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 41, no. 4, October 1982.
  • Grimal, Nicolas. A History of Ancient Egypt. Librairie Arthéme Fayard, 1988. ISBN 90-04-12989-8.
  • Helk, Wolfgang. Schwachstellen der Chronologie-Diskussion. Göttinger Miszellen, Göttingen, 1983.
  • Lehner, Mark. The Complete Pyramids. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1997. ISBN 0-500-05084-8.
  • Maspero, Gaston. History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 4 (of 12), Project Gutenberg EBook, Release Date: December 16, 2005. EBook #17324.
  • Murnane, William J. Ancient Egyptian Coregencies, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. No. 40. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1977.
  • Redford, Donald B. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1992. ISBN 0-691-00086-7.
  • Redford, Donald B. History and Chronology of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt: Seven Studies. University of Toronto Press, 1967.
  • Shaw, Ian. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-19-815034-2.
  • Smith, G Elliot. The Royal Mummies, Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd., 2000. ISBN 0-7156-2959-X.
  • Spalinger, Anthony J. War in Ancient Egypt: The New Kingdom. Blackwell Publishing, 2005. ISBN 1405113723
  • Tyldesley, Joyce. Egypt's Golden Empire: The Age of the New Kingdom. Headline Book Publishing Ltd., 2001. ISBN 0-7472-5160-6.
  • Tyldesley, Joyce. The Private Lives of the Pharaohs. Channel 4 Books, 2004. ISBN 0-7522-1903-0.
  • Weinstein, James M. The Egyptian Empire in Palestine, A Reassessment. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research: No 241. Winter, 1981.
  • Wente, Edward F. Thutmose III's Accession and the Beginning of the New Kingdom. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, University of Chicago Press, 1975.

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