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Datoteka:Wolf (1804); Martin (1805); Brisk (1805); Star (1805); Kangaroo (1805); Cygnet (1804); Ariel (1806); Helena (1804); Albacore (1804); Fly (1804); Kingfisher (1804); Otter (1805); Rose (1805); Halifax (1806) RMG J4169.jpg

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English: Wolf (1804); Martin (1805); Brisk (1805); Star (1805); Kangaroo (1805); Cygnet (1804); Ariel (1806); Helena (1804); Albacore (1804); Fly (1804); Kingfisher (1804); Otter (1805); Rose (1805); Halifax (1806)
NepoznatUnknown author
Navy Office
English: Wolf (1804); Martin (1805); Brisk (1805); Star (1805); Kangaroo (1805); Cygnet (1804); Ariel (1806); Helena (1804); Albacore (1804); Fly (1804); Kingfisher (1804); Otter (1805); Rose (1805); Halifax (1806)
English: Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the body plans, sheer lines with alterations to the forecastle, and longitudinal half-breadth for Wolf (1804), Martin (1805), Brisk (1805), Star (1805), Kangaroo (1805), Cygnet (1804), Ariel (1806), Helena (1804), Albacore (1804), Fly (1804), Kingfisher (1804), Otter (1805), Rose (1805), and Halifax (1806), all 16-gun Ship Sloops with quarterdeck and forecastles. These ships were to be built similar to the Merlin (1796) and the Pheasant (1798).

lines & profile

Admiralty Collection, Ship Plans
Datum 1. prosinca 1802.
date QS:P571,+1802-12-01T00:00:00Z/11
Medij paper; pencil; black ink; red ink; green ink
Dimenzije 358 mm x 1046 mm
(Naknadna uporaba ove datoteke)

The original artefact or artwork has been assessed as public domain by age, and faithful reproductions of the two dimensional work are also public domain. No permission is required for reuse for any purpose.

The text of this image record has been derived from the Royal Museums Greenwich catalogue and image metadata. Individual data and facts such as date, author and title are not copyrightable, but reuse of longer descriptive text from the catalogue may not be considered fair use. Reuse of the text must be attributed to the "National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London" and a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 license may apply if not rewritten. Refer to Royal Museums Greenwich copyright.

id number: ZAZ3858
Ship Plans


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sadašnja12:51, 26. kolovoza 2021.Minijatura za inačicu od 12:51, 26. kolovoza 2021.1280 × 440 (145 KB)Broichmore{{Artwork |artist = {{unknown|1=author}} |author =Navy Office |title ={{en|1=Wolf (1804); Martin (1805); Brisk (1805); Star (1805); Kangaroo (1805); Cygnet (1804); Ariel (1806); Helena (1804); Albacore (1804); Fly (1804); Kingfisher (1804); Otter (1805); Rose (1805); Halifax (1806)}} |description ={{en|1=Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the body plans, sheer lines with alterations to the forecastle, and longitudinal half-breadth for Wolf (1804), Martin (1805),...

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