Published works by known authors. Seventy years have passed since 1 January of the year following the year in which the author died (or, if there were joint authors, the year in which the author dying last died): Articles 31(1) and (2).
Published works by unknown authors. Seventy years have passed since 1 January of the year following the year in which the work was first disclosed: Article 31(3). (If the author becomes known during this time, the preceding paragraph applies.)
Unpublished works by unknown authors. Seventy years have passed since the date when the work was created, and 25 years have passed since 1 January of the year following the year in which the work was legally disclosed by a person other than the author: Articles 31(7) and 32.
Official works. It is a provision of law, some other legal instrument of state administration, a judicial or authority decision, an authority or other official announcement or document, or a standard or other like provision made obligatory by a legislative act: Article 1(4).
Facts and daily news. It consists of facts or daily news that serves as a basis for press information: Article 1(5).
Folklore. It is an expression of folklore: Article 1(7). (Note, however, that works of an individual and original nature that are inspired by folk art are subject to copyright.)
Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Jamaica has 95 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Honduras has a general copyright term of 75 years, but it does implement the rule of the shorter term. Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II (more information), Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II (known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions (more information).
Rudolf Švagel-Lešić, Nacrti za glavni oltar neizgrađene isusovačke crkve u Osijeku
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Datum posljednje promjene datoteke
11:55, 23. srpnja 2014.
Datoteka:R. Švagel-Lešić, Nacrti za glavni oltar neizgrađene isusovačke crkve u Osijeku.jpg